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Despicable Mate novel Chapter 4


‘Why did Dad have to keep the party on the common land?” Risha complained as she walked towards the car.-

She swayed slightly as she tried to balance herself on the six-inch heels. She held the edges of the long, peach gown in both her hands as she walked at the pace of a tortoise.

I stifled the urge to burst out laughing and said, “Hurry up, Risha. Do you want me to be late for my own party?”

She squinted her eyes at me as if she would devour me whole. This only made me want to laugh harder. I bit the inside of my cheek and turned away.

“Ahhh!!!” A scream drew my attention back to her. My eyes widened in horror when I saw her fall. I rushed towards her but Cami had already caught her by the time I reached.

She gave me a reassuring smile as she helped Risha stand properly. She bent down and helped her take off her heels.

“Whoah! Cami, you are awesome.” Risha chirped as she saw her pull out a pair of flats from the bag.

Cami was dressed in a blue gown with a slightly plunging neckline. Her blonde hair fell like soft waves over her shoulders accentuating her oval face. She looked gorgeous but something was different.

My heart didn’t flutter and my breath didn’t hitch on seeing her. My mind drifted to the girl I had met in the café. She was rude, arrogant, and self-centered. But when we were close, I saw something in her eyes.

I couldn’t place my finger on what it was but it tugged at the strings of my heart. It made me want to protect her, save her…

The shrill honking of the car pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Alpha! Isn’t my highness getting late now?” Risha teased from the back seat of my new BMW.

My grip on the keys tightened protectively. My heart filled with pride as I drank in the appearance of the car for the umpteenth time. I couldn’t still believe that this baby was mine.

“Hey, brother… why don’t you let me drive as a return gift?” Sandy said ogling at the car.

“If you give me the gift I asked for I will let you drive,” I said sitting in the driver's seat.

“This is unfair. How can I get a distinction in my exams?” He complained, sitting in the shotgun seat.

“I feel you bro!” Risha said leaning in through the space between the seats. “I don’t see why we have to go to the damned schools. We are stronger, cleverer, and more capable than human beings. Making us study with them is an insult to our species!”

“Well said, Rishu,” Sandy said, giving her a high five.

I shook my head and hit the gas. A wide smile spread on my lips as the car moved smooth as butter on the road. I had to thank dad for giving me such a generous gift.

Sandy and Kevin continued to banter about all the reasons they shouldn’t have to go to school. They tried to garner my support but gave up after a while.

My mind kept drifting to the girl I had seen at the café. I wondered if she had brothers and sisters like me. If she liked going for long drives.

Cami made several attempts to strike up a conversation with me but I was just not in the mood. I continued to drive lost in the thoughts…


The lawn of the common ground was decorated with the choicest flowers. The place was abuzz with excitement. People stood in groups laughing and chattering.

After dropping the others at the entrance, I went around to park the car. I inhaled deeply as I was assaulted by a strong scent of pine and cherries.

It was such a strange combination yet it made me feel drunk. By the time, I parked and came out to investigate the source of the scent it had faded drastically.

I didn’t get time to think about it again as Sandy pulled me to the lawn and dragged me around introducing me to all of his friends.

Shortly afterward, Dad introduced me to the Alphas of the neighboring packs: Alpha Orville of Bloodmoon Pack, Alpha Knossos of the Labyrinth Pack, Alpha Rodreo of Bloodhound Pack, and Alpha Alex of Bloodnight Pack.

Five packs dominated the city of Auroville. We lived together in harmony and respect each other’s territory except for the Common Ground.

It was enchanted by witches centuries ago when Werewolves and witches still lived in harmony.

No one could practice magic or shift in this region. It was a safe haven and most important ceremonies were held here.

“Kevin, come quickly. The moon is almost overhead.” Risha said as she dragged me along to the stage.

My eyes widened in wonder when I saw the huge cake. It had eleven layers and was dressed in different colors of icing.

“Did you like the cake?” Mom asked, placing her hand on my shoulders.





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