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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 131

She needed to try and get Mrs. Mitchell's contact info and fill her in on the situation to avoid any gossip that could lead to misunderstandings.

As a woman, Lucinda didn’t want to see Mrs. Mitchell get hurt by George.

Then, Cecilia showed up, spotting Lucinda, broom in hand, standing at the shop entrance. Parking her car, she asked anxiously, "Lucy, what's going on? Someone causing trouble?"

"George is such a jerk."

Lucinda was still pissed at George's actions.

Cecilia said, "How does that jerk have the nerve to keep coming after you?"

Now that Lucinda's marriage to Mr. Coleman had gone public, and everyone in Pinehurst knew they were hitched. Did George think Mr. Coleman won't come after him?

They headed back inside the shop.

Lucinda grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a sip.

"George is a real piece of work. He actually suggested I divorce Stefan, take half his money, then start again with him. Does he think he's God's gift or something? He even said he'd divorce once he had more savings."

After hearing this, Cecilia cussed out George and sniggered, "Serves George's wife right. Does she really think George loves her? He's only after her money, he'd ditch her in a heartbeat if there's no profit in it."

Lucinda stayed quiet for a moment, then said, "I've met Mrs. Mitchell. She's a sensible woman, probably got fooled by George's smooth talk."

"I'm going to spill the beans about what George said to Mrs. Mitchell. As a woman, I hope she's prepared and won't let George's scheme succeed."

Cecilia chimed in, "Absolutely, we can't let George win."

"Has the renovation crew shown up yet?"

"I arranged for them to come at nine in the morning, it's not time yet. The landlord came by earlier for the rent, I totally forgot about it, he thought I couldn't afford it."

Cecilia laughed, "Now that you're officially Mrs. Coleman, unless someone's blind and deaf, they'd know your status has skyrocketed. The landlord won't be worried about us not paying the rent anymore."

She took out her phone and transferred half the rent to Lucinda.

Lucinda accepted it.

They're friends, but Serendipity Cafe is their joint venture and they split everything in half.

"So what's the deal with you and Owen?"

Lucinda pulled her over to a table, asking curiously.

Cecilia, "...What could there be? We're not even the same species, his grandpa is already on my grandpa's blacklist."

She told Lucinda in detail about how Trenton appeared, forged a friendship with her grandpa, and tangled up her and Owen's potential match with her grandpa.

"Cecilia, I feel like Trenton is setting you up. Think about it, Owen is head over heels for Ruby, Stefan said they've been friends since childhood. As soon as Owen understood what love was, he fell for Ruby and that's been the case for over a decade."

"He's not going to let Ruby go that easily, anyone who becomes his wife will have a hard time being happy. But Trenton doesn't like Ruby, that's what Stefan told me. Trenton hopes that Owen will marry someone else to end his entanglement with Ruby."

"The high society in Pinehurst isn't big, Trenton didn't set his sights on any rich girls, but you. On one hand, you've had contact with Owen, on the other, your family is ordinary, without power or influence, it’s easier to control."

"If you marry Owen, even if you suffer, it won't affect the Martinez family's business. Trenton is ruthless. He's thought this through."


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