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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 132

Cecilia shook her head regretfully. "I didn't get a good look, and all I know is that it was a taxi. Lucy got a phone call and rushed out. There was a taxi parked nearby and she didn't even bother to check if anyone was in it before she hopped in. The taxi drove off instantly, and I didn't see the license plate."

Seeing that Cecilia couldn't provide any useful information, Ike immediately got into his car and drove off, dialing Lucinda's number while on the move.

Her phone was off.

A surge of anxiety washed over Ike.

He switched to calling Stefan instead.

Stefan was well-connected and influential, making him a better choice for finding Lucinda.

Suddenly getting a call from Ike, Stefan felt a pang of anxiety, fearing that Ike might be bringing him trouble again.

At the same time, his other cell phone also rang. It was Zoey.

Zoey was the bodyguard that Nelson had secretly assigned to protect Lucinda.

Stefan's face instantly changed. As he picked up both calls, he said to Ike, "Ike, hold on a sec, I've got another call on the other line, I'll be right back..."

"Stefan, Lucy's in danger!"

Before Stefan could finish, Ike interrupted him, saying, "Lucy got a call at her shop, saying I'd been in a car accident. She didn't even check, just ran out of the shop and got into a taxi that parked outside. Cecilia ran out after her, managed to exchange a few words with her, and then the car was gone."

"Lucy's phone is off now and Cecilia didn't get the taxi's license plate. I need you to find someone to track it down. If we can get the surveillance footage of the shop entrance, we should be able to figure out which car Lucy got into."

Upon hearing this, Stefan's face paled.

He was anxious, but he couldn't afford to panic.

Lucinda was in danger, waiting for him to rescue her. If he panicked, who would save Lucinda?

Forcing himself to stay calm, Stefan responded to Ike, "I'll get on it right away. I'll find Lucy, I promise."

After hanging up with Ike, Stefan asked Zoey, "What car did Lucy get into? Do you know?"

"Lucy's been kidnapped and taken out of the city. Zack and I were trailing the car, but they found out and arranged a bunch of cars to block us. I got the license plate number of the taxi Lucy was in was, but they switched cars again while we were being blocked. The distance was too far, and we don't know the license plate number of the car Lucy's in now."

Upon learning that Lucy had been kidnapped, they immediately notified Stefan.

And the kidnappers had planned everything meticulously. When they switched cars with Lucy, they were all heavily disguised, making it impossible to identify them.

"Damn it!"

Stefan asked in a low voice, "How long has it been since she got into the car?"

"About ten minutes."

Stefan frowned, "And you're only telling me now?"

Zoey explained apologetically, "At first, we didn't realize something was wrong. We saw her get into the taxi and just followed quietly. It wasn't until we noticed that the car wasn't headed for the hospital that we realized the gravity of the situation, and by then, a few minutes had already passed."

"And then we started accelerating to catch up, but then they chose narrow streets and kept making turns, clearly trying to lose us. They even kept changing vehicles. I immediately called you."

With just him and Zack, they wouldn't be able to rescue her successfully.


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