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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 238

In her room, Janice was clutching a doll while sitting on the bed. Tears kept falling onto the doll, soaking its clothes. Maybe she was reminiscing about something or forcing herself to accept that her daughter Lucy had been taken away.

By afternoon, the sunlight had softened.

At Sunnyglade Abbey, in the master bedroom on the second floor, Janice was sitting by the crib, holding her drowsy daughter Lucinda in one hand and gently patting her son Keith on the bed with the other. She was softly singing a song, lulling the two children to sleep.

Keith, however, didn't seem sleepy at all. He was kicking his short legs and smiling at Janice.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet? Your sister Lucy is about to fall asleep."

Seeing that the little guy was still full of beans, Janice stopped her lullaby.

Keith kicked his legs for a while, then started crawling around on the bed, making cooing noises at Janice.

"Don't be so loud; Lucy's already asleep."

Keith's voice was loud. He tried to sit up on his own, but, unfortunately, being only half a year old, he couldn't. He could only keep calling out to Janice.

Seeing that Lucy in her arms had fallen asleep, Janice put Lucy in the crib and picked up Keith.

Held by Janice, Keith was laughing and kicking his short legs non-stop, looking very happy.

"Knock knock."

There was a knock on the door.

"Janice, your milk is heated."

It was Wendy, the maid, outside the door.

Janice didn't move, simply replying, "Come in."

Wendy came in with a tray in her hands, on which was a cup of hot and fresh milk.

The two kids were fed a mix of breast milk and formula. In order to produce more milk, Janice drank a soup that was beneficial for lactation and milk, a fresh cup of milk every morning, noon, and night.

"Janice." Wendy, seeing that Lucy was asleep, lowered her voice. She put down the tray, picked up the cup of milk, and said softly, "Janice, let me hold Keith. You drink your milk."

Janice hummed in response, took the cup of milk, and Wendy freed her hand to take Keith.

After playing with Wendy for a while, Keith began to yawn.

"He's sleepy."

Wendy smiled. She walked around the room holding Keith, occasionally glancing at Janice. Seeing Janice slowly sipping her milk, with the cup becoming emptier, Wendy's eyes showed a hint of relief.

However, her face remained expressionless.

By the time Janice finished her milk, little Keith was asleep.

Janice put down the cup, stood up, took Keith from Wendy, and said, "I'll be with the kids for their nap. I'm not receiving any visitors. No matter who comes, please refuse for me."

"Okay, Janice."

Wendy picked up the tray and respectfully left the room.

As soon as the door closed, she quickly left.

Janice gently put Keith back in the crib. The two children were sleeping side by side. Looking at the peaceful expressions on their small faces, like little angels, Janice's eyes were filled with tenderness.

She covered the two kids with a thin blanket and pulled down the mosquito net from the crib.

She began to feel tired and said softly, "Why am I suddenly so sleepy?"

Unable to resist the fatigue, she went back to the big bed and soon fell asleep.


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