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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 239

Nathan had just walked into the conference room, about to chair an important meeting.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It was Shirley calling. Nathan picked up in a hurry.

"Mr. Nathan, we're in deep trouble. Lucy's gone missing, Janice is out like a light and can't be woken up, and Keith's been crying non-stop."

Nathan jumped to his feet so suddenly that he knocked over the chair behind him. He bolted out of the conference room in a flash.

The other executives were left stunned.

In the blink of an eye, Nathan had vanished.

"What just happened?"

All eyes turned to Hayden Blue.

Hayden was Nathan's younger brother and vice president of the company. But despite their relationship, the executives didn’t think much of his capabilities. Compared to Nathan, Hayden was like a drop in the ocean. But he had a silver tongue and was known to be the apple of Grandma Savannah's eye.

In a prominent family like the Blues, it's usually the eldest who shouldered the family responsibilities, while the younger ones were doted on by the parents.

Grandma Savannah was indeed fond of Hayden. She had a respectful relationship with Nathan, but it lacked the warmth of a mother-son bond.

Everyone stared at the clueless Hayden, who said, "Nathan got a call and dashed off. I have no idea what happened, so stop staring at me."

He felt quite uncomfortable.

"But if something made Nathan dash off like that, it must have been a call from Janice," Hayden speculated.

As soon as Janice was mentioned, everyone stopped staring at Hayden.

Nathan was competent, handsome, and wealthy. Even though he was already married, he had a long line of women after him. Many of his admirers said they didn't need any status from him; they just wanted to be his secret lovers.

Unfortunately for them, Nathan was loyal to Janice. No matter how many women chased after him, he rejected them all, giving them no chance. They could only look on with envy, feeling jealous of Janice.

Especially since Janice had struck gold, giving birth to twins a year after marrying into the Blue family.

This stirred up even more envy and jealousy.

Nathan's love for Janice was indescribable. He was always there for her, dropping whatever he was doing to rush home when she called.

Everyone at Skywatch knew Nathan, the head of the Blue family and CEO of Blue Corporation, was a man deeply in love with his wife.

Hayden's phone rang too.

Seeing that it was his wife Ashley calling, he smiled at everyone and said, "It's my wife."

Everyone tittered.

Just as Hayden was insinuating that Nathan was too doting on Janice, his own wife had called, and he picked up right away.

Hayden answered Ashley's call.

Ashley said anxiously, "You need to come home. There's been a big incident. Lucy's been taken. The house is in chaos. Grace and Colton have sent people to look for her, but they're also furious and planning to send the servants and bodyguards over to the police."

Hayden was shocked and asked, "How could Lucy be taken? There are so many people at home, and Janice is usually the one taking care of her. Who would dare to take such a risk?"

"You need to come home now. Oh dear, my stomach seems to be hurting. I think I might be going into labor."


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