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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 271

Because Cecilia didn't give him a lift, Owen had to drive himself home.

On the way home, his phone buzzed a dozen times, all from Ruby, but he didn't pick up any of the calls.

He was driving, and taking calls would distract him, which could turn out to be dangerous. He didn't want to risk an accident because of her.

Frustrated by Owen's silence, Ruby threw her phone on the floor in a fit of anger. Seeing this, Megan rushed to pick it up.

"Ruby, what's the point in getting mad? I've told you countless times, but you never take my words seriously. Look at how you treat Owen. How could he not be upset? You run to him when you need him, and to Stefan when you don't. What do you think he is? A convenience store? When you need him, you call him over. When you don't, you ditch him. See, you've broken his heart. When I called him, he wasn't very keen to come over, although he finally agreed to come and see you. But who knows, he didn't show up and turned off his phone for a whole day. Ruby, either Owen is heartbroken and doesn't want to deal with your drama anymore, or the elders of the Martinez family are controlling him, not letting him come. When you called that girl, what did she say?"

Ruby snapped, "Cecilia gave me a good scolding on the phone. I think she might hit me, so I dare not go to Serendipity Cafe to find her."

Cecilia was Owen's wife. In Cecilia's eyes, Ruby was the one who destroyed their marriage. It was reasonable for Cecilia to want to hit Ruby and to make her suffer.

Ruby was scared, so she didn't dare to find Cecilia. She could only vent her anger at home by smashing things.

"Owen wouldn't treat me like this. It must be one of the elders controlling him, not letting him come to see me, not letting him help me. Mom, what should I do? Now that I know Lucinda's real identity, I know that she is powerful. I'm in trouble with both the Blue family and Stefan. Stefan can easily find out that I did it. He loves Lucinda so much, he's definitely going to settle the score with me."

Ruby was extremely anxious, feeling like this time she was really screwed.

If even Owen wouldn't help her, then she wouldn't be able to survive in Pinehurst.

Why did things turn out like this?

It was Lucinda!

Yes, it was certainly Lucinda!

Lucinda turned out to be the young lady of the Blue family!

Thinking of the Blue family's status in Skywatch and the wealth of the Blue family's master, Ruby was insanely jealous.

"Lucinda must know it was me. She intentionally didn't clarify, letting things escalate, so she has evidence to sue me for defamation. She's watching my performance like watching a monkey show, watching me being self-satisfied and excited until I think I've won, then she slowly clarifies the sibling relationship. She's so cruel!"

Ruby was crazy for a whole day, but when she calmed down a bit, she realized that she had fallen into a trap.

"Ruby, stop pondering about why things have happened. Go find Owen now, he's your last hope. If you push Owen away too, what else do you have?"

Megan was both angry and heartbroken for her daughter.

Ruby was stunned. Would she even lose Owen, her last hope?

She never thought she would lose Owen's love. Owen was so affectionate towards her.

In the past, no matter what she did, Owen would understand her, and forgive her.

No, Owen wouldn't leave her. He was not answering her calls at that point, it must be the elders of the Martinez family interfering with him.

Why won't that old man just kick the bucket!

Once he was gone, Owen can truly take over the family business, and no one will be able to stop him from helping her in the future.

Ruby was very annoyed with the elder of the Martinez family.

Trenton, “The more you resent me, the longer I'll live, up to 120 years old, till you're old and still can't marry into the Martinez family!”

"Mom, I'm going to find Owen now."

Ruby finally listened to her mother's advice.

She grabbed the car keys and took back the phone that she had thrown on the floor from her mother's hand, and then hurried out.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a servant. The servant seemed to want to knock on the door, but she came out first.

"What's up?"

Ruby asked with a blank expression.

The servant hurriedly said, "Miss, Stefan is here."


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