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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 272

"What on earth do you think you're doing? Let go of my daughter, now!"

Megan was heartbroken to see the Anderson family's bodyguards handling her daughter.

She yelled, rushing forward to rescue her daughter from their grip.

Turning to Stefan, she shouted out, "Stefan, you've crossed the line! This is the Scott family, not the Anderson family. What you're doing here is wrong, and I won't hesitate to call the police!"

Stefan just stood there, his lips curled up in a cold and cruel smile.

They were no match for the Anderson's bodyguards.

The bodyguards roughly dragged Ruby over. Ruby's hair was messy from struggling, her high heels were lost, and she was barefoot. They dumped her at Stefan's feet, looking utterly disheveled.

"Stefan! Don't you dare go too far! What has Ruby done wrong to deserve this? Her only mistake was falling in love with you!"

Megan was so angry that her face lost all color. She lost control and rushed over, punching Stefan.

Stefan didn't even need to lift a finger, and his bodyguards pushed Megan away. Megan tried to rush at him again, only to be kicked to the ground by a bodyguard. The pain made her stop in her tracks.

"The boss doesn't like other women touching him."

One of the bodyguards said coldly.


Ruby rushed to help her mother up, the two of them huddled together, looking up at Stefan.

Stefan looked down on them, making Ruby realize that she had always looked up to him. No matter how hard she tried, she could never reach his level.

If Stefan truly loved her, he would cherish her like a treasure.

When he didn't, even if she died in front of him, he would find her annoying.

"Stefan!" Ruby wanted to question Stefan, but he harshly threw a file at her face.

Ruby was in pain but she didn't dare to say anything.

She tremblingly picked up the file. Inside were papers and a bunch of photos.

The papers were about her uploading videos to the internet and hiring internet trolls to manipulate public opinion. There was also evidence of her undergoing a hymen restoration surgery abroad.

Ruby's face went white when she saw the evidence of the hymen restoration surgery.

She couldn't believe that Stefan knew about what she had done abroad!

When did he start collecting these? Was it since she came back, or even before?

Ever since he was 12, understanding the difference between boys and girls, he had been distant from her.

She and Owen spread rumors, trying to make it seem like they were childhood sweethearts.

He had tried to clarify, but she used her mother's relationship with his mother to often visit the Anderson family. No one believed his clarification.

After multiple failed attempts at clarification, he stopped trying to explain.

Ruby thought he accepted their relationship, but in reality, he was waiting for Lucy to grow up, for her to enter his world, to share his ideas truly, and then he started dealing with her.

This man had a lot of patience, but he was also scary.

He would only strike when she thought her plan had succeeded, delivering a fatal blow.

"These photos?"


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