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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 273

"Stefan, I know I messed up. I swear I won't repeat the same mistakes again. Can you please give me another chance? I promise I won't bother you. Stefan!"

Ruby tried to approach Stefan, but she couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes as his bodyguard blocked her. When she attempted to force her way, the bodyguard mercilessly pushed her away, causing her to fall to the ground.

Stefan didn't show any mercy, and neither did his bodyguard.

They wouldn't dare to raise their voice at her if it was Owen's bodyguard.

"Stefan, I don't want to go to jail, I really don't!"

Ruby sat on the ground, sobbing.

She regretted her actions so much she could puke.

She had known his cold-heartedness ten years ago.

And yet, she still poked the bear, and it was like she was asking for trouble.

She always thought that he would show her some leniency due to their childhood friendship.

Boy, was she wrong!

His past leniency was only because he didn't have enough evidence against her. It wasn't that he had spared her. It was that she hadn't indeed crossed his line yet!

Stefan left under the protection of his bodyguards.

The domestic staff of the Scott family all hid, afraid of bearing the brunt of the lady and Missy's fury.

They were all curious.

Stefan didn't do anything to Ruby, and he just threw a folder at her. Ruby started crying as if it was the end of the world, and the lady even slapped her hard.

That's Stefan's way. He could hurt people without making a sound and wouldn't break any laws!

"Mom, what should I do? I don't want to go to jail!"

Ruby saw her mother approaching, and she immediately hugged her leg, crying, "Mom, help me. Let's find Jean and Owen. Jean loves me the most, and so does Owen. They will definitely help me. Yeah, let's find Owen, I'll go find him now!"

Ruby stood up, wiped her tears, and was ready to find Owen. After a few steps, she turned back and said to her mother, "Mom, hit me a few more times to make my face swell more. That way, when I find Owen, he will feel bad for me and help me unconditionally."

Following her instruction, Megan hit her a few more times, making the swelling on her face more noticeable.

Ruby's face felt like it was on fire.

The pain made her tear up.

Megan also felt heartbroken; tears welled up in her eyes.

"I will listen to you, and I'll listen to you from now on. I'll find Owen. I was stupid not to appreciate Owen's kindness. Instead, I messed with Stefan, and look at me now, it's all my fault."

Ruby was crying and regretting.

She wanted to leave, but her mother held her back.

"Ruby, it's late now. If you go find Owen, you will disturb his rest. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Don't go to the Martinez family; find him at his office."

"By the time it's morning, my face will have gone down; how will he feel bad for me then."

Megan growled, "I can always help you make your face swell again."

Ruby was speechless.

Her mother started pointing at her forehead, reprimanding her while pointing, "Didn't I warn you? You agreed verbally, but what about your actions? What have you done? Look at you now, and you are about to face legal consequences; this is all on you! I told you, Stefan doesn't love you. If he did, you wouldn't have gone abroad ten years ago. You were young and beautiful back then, and he didn't love you. Now, you're almost thirty and can't compete with Lucinda's youth and beauty. What makes you think you can compete with her! You used to say Lucinda couldn't even find her own parents? look at her now! Her real parents have found her. The Blue family from Skywatch! That's a wealthy family! The head of the Blue family is a multi-millionaire. That's a level we can't even dream of reaching! How can you be so unlucky to have such a strong competitor? No, Ruby, you haven't understood yet. Stefan doesn't love you, and it has nothing to do with your age or looks. He just doesn't love you, no reason!"

Ruby felt wronged.


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