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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 400

Jay sat in silence, listening as Owen cursing the bandit who had dared to cross him.

Ever since Owen had fallen for Ms. Yates, he had become more human, more down-to-earth.

The power of love, it seemed, could truly change a man.

When Owen finally ran out of steam, Jay ventured to ask, "Sir, do you want to go after the bandit?"

"Spread the word that I was attacked and injured by a bandit. The scoundrel will turn himself in."

Given Owen's reputation, the mere hint of his involvement in the bandit's capture could send the rogue running to the sheriff's office, saving them the trouble of a manhunt.

"And replace the streetlights in that alley, they're too dim."

Cecilia's route home was a dangerous one. It gave Owen an excuse to escort her every day, but he couldn't ignore the problem forever.

"Look into the bandit. If he doesn't turn himself in, we'll take him to the sheriff ourselves."


With his orders given, Owen ended the call.

Recalling the detective agency's report from the previous evening, he retrieved it from his desk and settled down on the sofa.

"Arno, let's see what kind of saint you are, hiding your secrets even from me."

Sarcasm laced Owen's words as he pulled out the report on Avery and began to read.

After finishing, he rose abruptly, forgoing even a change of clothes, and headed out the door.

The Harrison estate was quiet in the early morning.

Its residents were not early risers.

Only Trenton, troubled by insomnia in his advanced age, would rise early to do exercises.

When Owen emerged from the house, he spotted his grandfather in the yard, practicing his morning routine with his cousin, Harry Harrison, who had always coveted Owen's position.

Harry was no less capable than Owen.

It was simply a matter of lineage. As the eldest son, Owen held the advantage. Harry born to a different mother, and the patriarch clearly favored his first wife's children. Despite his abilities, Harry was overlooked for the role of heir.

Unless Owen screwed up, did something that would disgrace their company, his grandfather wouldn't remove him from his position as CEO.

In the past, Owen had been deeply in love with Ruby. His devotion to her often led him to make decisions that displeased his grandfather. Harry’s family members saw this as an opportunity and silently cheered Owen on, hoping he would lose his position as heir. However, Owen ended up breaking up with Ruby.

All thanks to Stefan, who had pulled some strings.

Harry was resentful, but he remained powerless. His only recourse was to curry favor with his grandfather, hoping that when the time came to divide the family fortune, they wouldn't be neglected.

"Good morning, brother."

Harry greeted Owen with a respectful nod.


In front of his grandfather, Owen made an effort to maintain a civil facade, returning his cousin's greeting.

"What happened to your arm?"

Harry paused his practice to ask, concern coloring his tone.

Spotting the bandage wrapped around Owen's arm, Trenton also halted his movements.

Seeing his grandson clutching a piece of paper, his expression grim, Trenton had a hunch about what was going on.


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