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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 401

Old Mr. Martinez sighed with a tinge of envy, "I've thought about it, but Mr. Anderson wouldn't dream of trading his grandson for mine."

Owen was left speechless.

"Mr. Anderson won't swap Stefan for you. But it wouldn't hurt to have someone else in the exchange, right?"

Grandpa was just green with envy over the Andersons' golden boy.

"Maybe it's just fate. No matter how hard we try, we can't seem to outdo the Andersons. I'm no match for Mr. Anderson, and you, my boy, are no Stefan."

Old Mr. Martinez heaved sighs for a while before turning to his grandson, "Owen, you need to hurry up and win back Cecilia. Once you two are remarried, get busy with having kids. If you have a son and Stefan has a daughter, we'll unite the families through marriage. We may not be able to beat the Andersons, but if we marry into their family or they into ours, and get one of ours as the next Mrs. Anderson, ha! That's not too shabby!"

Owen just stared at his grandfather, speechless.

Becoming part of the Andersons seemed to be Grandpa's lifelong wish if he couldn't beat them.

"Cecilia's best friend is Lucinda Moore, right? It's not out of the realm of possibility for you to become in-laws."

Old Mr. Martinez grew more and more enamored with the idea.

The thought of his great-granddaughter marrying into the Andersons and becoming the next matriarch was just too delightful. And knowing the Anderson family's reputation, their men doted on their wives. Wouldn't his great-granddaughter call the shots then?

"What if we both end up with sons?" Owen asked. "Or what if we both have daughters who fall for the same guy or gal? That'd make us rivals instead."

He glared at his grandson and snapped, "Can't you think positively for once?"

"One must always prepare for the worst."

"What's with your arm? Was it really a robber, or did you stage the whole thing?"

Old Mr. Martinez changed the subject, fearing another round of this conversation might send him to an early grave.

It was no small feat for him to have made it to this ripe old age.

"It was really a robber."

After a pause, Trenton asked, "Is it bad?"

"Just a scratch."


Owen frowned, "Are you saying you wish my arm was broken?"

"If it were more serious and you were hospitalized, Cecilia would naturally be by your side every day. That's the best chance to rekindle a romance. As it stands, with just a scratch, the most you'll get from her is a daily phone check-in."

Owen didn't know how to respond.

"Alright, I've got the lowdown. Go get changed and come down for breakfast. Harry knows to keep me company; you're always off gallivanting somewhere."

"I've been busy chasing after your future granddaughter-in-law," Owen retorted before heading upstairs with Avery's investigative report in hand.

Serendipity Cafe.

When Cecilia arrived, the cafe was already open, it’s Lucinda.

Cecilia walked in to find Lucinda wiping down a decoration on the counter and asked, "Lucy, aren't you supposed to be with your folks today?"

"They headed back home after breakfast."

Stefan had arranged for a car to take her parents back.

Even her biological mother had left to revisit her roots.


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