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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 414

"Such a golden opportunity, slipped right through our fingers."

Mr. Porter trailed off, his voice thick with frustration and resentment.

The person on the other end of the phone fell into a brief silence, clearly understanding the weight of the disappointment.

Keith had always been a hard target, surrounded by the best in the business when it came to personal security. With such protection, Keith had managed to dodge the grim reaper more times than anyone could count. They had accepted their past failures as part of the game. But this time, Keith had been alone, unprotected, ripe for the taking. Their plan should have been foolproof, or at least, Keith should have been left licking serious wounds. Yet, nothing.

Was it because the attempt took place in Pinehurst?

"It's late," the voice on the other end finally said, cutting the conversation short, uninterested in Mr. Porter's complaints.

Who would want to lose anyway? Since they had gotten involved, they had yearned for Keith's downfall. As long as Keith remained alive and took over the entirety of the Blue family, targeting him would become an increasingly daunting task. And now, even touching Keith seemed like an impossible feat. The last two assassination attempts had been abysmal failures.

How had that kid stumbled upon such damn good luck, turning misfortune into a stroke of serendipity time and time again?

After the call ended, Mr. Porter lingered in his study for a moment longer before finally rising to return to his bedroom.

Mrs. Porter was still deep in slumber, and in his sour mood, Mr. Porter felt a pang of envy at his wife's blissful ignorance. Without a second thought, he nudged her awake.

"Honey, what's the matter? Why aren't you asleep at this hour?" Mrs. Porter sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning, clearly disoriented from being woken up from her peaceful sleep.

"Can't sleep, I'm too worked up. And look at you, sleeping like a log, without a care in the world. I've provided you with such a comfortable life, and you can't even manage to raise our daughter right. Look at the state Madeleine's in now. Doesn't it break your heart?"

"It's all your fault, you know. If you hadn't bought that damn love potion, Madeleine wouldn't have fallen prey to that scoundrel, Hayden Blue."

Mr. Porter's greatest fury was reserved for the fact that his precious daughter had been defiled by Hayden.

She was supposed to be his ace in the hole, his ticket inside the Blue family's inner circle. And despite his willingness to use her as a pawn, it didn't stop him from loving her fiercely.

"Madeleine's started eating again, and she's coming out of her room. Darling, I'm at fault, I know. I love her more than anything; she's my own flesh and blood. But what's done is done. And it's not like it's only Madeleine's fault, who could have predicted this?"

Mrs. Porter sighed deeply. The situation pained her as much as it did her husband.

The most vexing part for Mr. Porter was that it was Madeleine's own scheme that backfired, not trapping Nathan as intended, but instead playing right into Hayden's hands. Even with his rage boiling over, he couldn't lay all the blame on Hayden.

The Porters had no choice but to swallow their misfortune.

The couple fell into silence.

After a moment, Mrs. Porter ventured, "Hayden has been coming by every day to see Madeleine, but she refuses to meet him. He mentioned that if we would allow it, he's willing to take responsibility, to make things right. What do you think?"

"What does Madeleine say?"

Mr. Porter asked back sharply.

"Of course, she doesn't agree. You know our daughter's heart; it's set on Nathan. She's determined to marry him. She doesn't care that Nathan's fifty years old; in her eyes, he's the best man in the world, and she won't settle for anyone else," Mrs. Porter lamented, her tone laced with exasperation.


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