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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 415

The following day, before the crack of dawn, the Porter family patriarch's phone began to ring insistently. He had barely hit the sack a few hours prior, feeling like he had just drifted off when the persistent ringtone roused him. Irritation bubbled within him.

Whoever had the nerve to call at this ungodly hour had better have a damn good reason, or they'd have hell to pay.

“Boss, the young miss has taken off. She boarded the private jet and headed to Pinehurst,” reported one of the patriarch's men.

The news instantly swept away any vestige of sleepiness. The patriarch bolted upright. “And none of you thought to stop her?”

His daughter Madeleine was surely seeking out Nathan. Or possibly, she was on a mission to confront his wife, Janice.

Under normal circumstances, in their own territory, he wouldn't fret or interfere, letting his daughter do as she pleased. But Pinehurst was a different ballgame, a place where even his extended reach faltered, and his daughter was heading there as the other woman—an outcome that was bound to end disastrously.

“We couldn’t stop her, sir.”

“Damn it all!”

After cursing, he instructed, “Arrange a flight immediately. I'm heading to Pinehurst.”

Unbeknownst to those in Pinehurst, Madeleine was flying their way on her private jet.

Lucinda awoke at her usual time.

The bed beside her was empty; Stefan had risen early. She reached for her phone to check the time, then scrolled through WhatsApp, Facebook, and the flurry of messages in her social groups. Once satisfied, she got out of bed.

A few minutes later, as Lucinda was about to head downstairs, she opened her bedroom door to find a maid about to knock. The maid greeted her and quickly relayed, “Miss, there’s a woman named Porter at the gate. She’s asking to see your mother.”

"A Porter woman? Wants to meet my mom?" Lucinda frowned.

It must be Madeleine. Lucinda had never met her, only hearing of her existence through her brother and mother. Madeleine was her father's mistress, prominently at his side for years, attending functions as if she were the Blue family matriarch herself. To outsiders, she was a marriage certificate shy of official status.

What audacity for Madeleine to arrive at dawn demanding to see her mother—the brazen mistress!

"Is Dad up yet?"

"The family head flew out at first light. Your brother saw him off," the maid informed.

Lucinda sighed, feeling a bit like an afterthought to her father, a mere excuse for his visit.

"Is my brother and cousin still here?"

"Your brother left with the head of the family. Keith is still asleep," answered the maid.

After muttering to herself, Lucinda asked, "Where’s Ms. Porter?"

"Still at the front gate. The young master didn't let her in."

Lucinda made her way downstairs.

"Honey, you’re up," Stefan said warmly as he entered the house and caught sight of Lucinda descending the stairs.

"Your dad and cousin headed back early. They're swamped with company matters but asked me to say goodbye for them. They'll visit when they can."

Lucinda replied, "They could’ve at least told me so I could have seen them off."

Stefan chuckled, "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t have the heart to wake you. I took the liberty of escorting them to the plane."


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