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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 416

The person who rolled up on an electric tricycle was none other than Edith.

Edith pulled up right in front of Madeleine and parked her quirky ride.

She didn't bother to dismount, but instead called out to the security guard from her seat, "Is this Ms. Porter?"

The guard nodded affirmatively and gestured for Madeleine to approach.

"Do you always pick up your VIPs in these contraptions?" Madeleine asked, her voice laced with disdain.

She truly loathed the idea of riding in an electric tricycle. It was completely foreign to her; in all her years, she had never set foot in such a vehicle.

The staff of the Porter family, from which she hailed, wouldn't be caught dead on a three-wheeler—they all drove cars, proper four-wheeled ones at that.

How could she, the distinguished daughter of the Porter family, possibly be seen in an electric tricycle?

Edith chuckled, "Oh no, this is just something I bought for convenience. The estate is massive, and having an electric vehicle makes getting around much easier, plus it can carry a couple of extra people. Ms. Porter, rest assured, when we host esteemed guests, we usually roll out the red carpet and send Nelson to escort them in a luxury car."

Madeleine's face fell. "Are you trying to humiliate me?"

Not only was she being made to enter through a side door, but there was also no luxury car to receive her.

"What is your role here?"

"I’m the estate's gardener," Edith replied, still smiling as if she had no clue her actions were inappropriate in the slightest. "Nelson saw me on his way out and just tasked me with fetching Ms. Porter. I didn't feel like walking all the way to the parking lot to get a car, so I rode this electric trike over. Does it bother you?"

Madeleine was fuming on the inside.

She hadn't even met Lucinda yet, and already she was being treated with such contempt. When Lucinda returned to the Blue family, this woman was undoubtedly going to side with her own mother against Madeleine.

For a split second, Madeleine felt a murderous rage.

Thankfully, she had the sense to remember she was at Pinehurst, on the sprawling grounds of the Anderson family—the unrivaled titans of the area. Should she cause a scene here, she'd gain nothing.

Hadn't she seen how even a glimpse of Lucinda was denied to her?

Back in Skywatch, she, Madeleine, would strut in and out of places like the Blue family's without a hitch.

But here in Pinehurst, within the boundaries of the Anderson estate, she kept hitting walls.

The Andersons didn't treat her like a VIP at all, which infuriated her to no end.

Lucinda thought, "A mistress, that's all she is. What makes her a VIP? She should count her blessings I didn't set the dogs on her. Does she really expect me to welcome her with open gates? Dream on!"

"Ms. Porter, get on the trike. I'll take you to see our lady of the house. If we're late, she might be having breakfast, and you'll have to wait. You won't see her until she's finished," Edith pressed.

Madeleine replied icily, "Tell Lucinda to come for me. Does she not know who I am? My relationship with her father..."

She trailed off, unable to boast about being Lucinda's stepmother since she wasn't married yet.

"Ms. Porter, our lady of the house is very aware of who you are," Edith said. "She mentioned that if Ms. Porter is willing to ride my trike, then ride; if not, the gate is right there for you to leave the way you came."

Madeleine's face darkened, "So you're telling me Lucinda knows you came to pick me up on this... junky electric trike?"

"Nelson sent me out, so of course, Lucinda knows."

Madeleine seethed, feeling utterly dismissed by Lucinda.

"Ms. Porter, are you getting on, or not? If you're not interested, I'll be on my way. I've got a lot to do."

Madeleine clenched her teeth.

A gardener, someone who dealt with dirt and plants all day, dared to speak to her with such insolence.

If anyone dared call her, Madeleine, arrogant again, she'd send them to the Ascend Estate to see what real arrogance looked like!

She wanted to storm off in a huff, but remembering her purpose for coming, she swallowed her pride, huffed angrily, and climbed onto the electric tricycle.


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