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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 430

Olina and Megan strode into the cafe one after the other.

They had been all smiles and laughter stepping out of their car. But as they pushed through the door, their expressions tightened as if someone owed them a fortune and refused to pay up.

Upon seeing Cecilia, Megan's face soured with a gaze poisoned with envy. Dressed to the nines in her evening gown, Cecilia was shining like a star.

As for Lucy, Megan no longer dared to treat her with the same disregard. Even Olina wouldn't dare cross the towering figure backing Lucy—not to mention Megan herself.

Gone were the days when the Scott family ruled the roost in Pinehurst. Even at their peak, they wouldn't have the nerve to provoke the mighty Blues of Skywatch.

Megan's thoughts turned to her own daughter, who was nearing thirty. No amount of makeup could eclipse Cecilia's youthful beauty.

And considering how Owen's affections seemed to be drifting towards Cecilia, Megan's hatred for the younger woman simmered dangerously.

In her eyes, Owen's decade-long love for her daughter couldn't have just evaporated overnight. It had to be Cecilia's doing to poison Owen's mind against her daughter.

Did Cecilia think she could comfortably settle into the role of the Martinez family matriarch just because her daughter was out of the picture?

They were divorced!

Dreaming of remarriage?

As long as Megan drew breath, she vowed to muddy the waters and thwart Cecilia's plans.

With jealousy fueling her, Megan's words came out sharp and ugly.

"Look at that dress, Olina. She looks like a streetwalker. Is this how she drums up business? No wonder her little cafe is so popular—those customers aren't here for the coffee, are they?"

In a swift motion, Cecilia grabbed a half-finished glass of water from a nearby table and splashed it right in Megan's face.

Lucy believed a single glass wouldn't cleanse Megan's foul mouth. She went inside and emerged with a bucket of water which she dumped over Megan's head as she shrieked insults at Cecilia.

The force of the bucket's contents was such that even Olina, standing by, wasn't spared a drenching.

The two matrons screamed in outrage.

Dripping wet, Megan wiped her face and yelled at Lucy and Cecilia, "Is this how you treat elders?"

"Elders? What connection do we have that makes you my elder? Pretending to be respectable in front of me? You have the gall to talk about shame when it was your shameless behavior that raised a daughter like Ruby!"

Megan had dared to call her a streetwalker, and Cecilia wasn't holding back.

"Cecilia!" Olina's face darkened as she called out, "We are guests in your cafe. Megan and I came to support your business. What do you mean by dousing her with water? Apologize to Megan at once!"

"Guests? You two are no guests of mine. Support my business? That's a laugh. I don't need your kind to support. My place is too humble to entertain 'goddesses' like you. Just go back to wherever you came from."


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