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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 431

"Alright folks, show's over. Let's clear out," Lucy called out with a dismissive wave, dragging her broom back into the diner.

Watching Lucy's badass move, the waitress felt a surge of admiration worthy of applause.

It had been a while since anyone saw Lucy in such a fierce mode - not since that time George showed up with the audacity to suggest he could keep her, only to be chased off by her broomstick.

Olina was new to witnessing Lucy's formidable side and stood there gobsmacked.

It wasn't until Lucy dragged her broom back inside that Olina snapped out of it, her face paling as she carefully watched Lucy, wondering if she could bolt out the door at lightning speed should Lucy turn that broom in her direction.

Why on earth did she listen to Megan’s suggestion to come here and seek trouble?

She knew full well that neither Lucy nor Cecilia cared about her status as the bigwig of the Martinez family, yet she still came.

Olina was turning green with regret, cursing herself for not dismissing Megan's manipulative words.

Wouldn't it have been nicer to join other friends for a round of bingo or a bridge game?

“Lucy. I swear, I never badmouthed you or Cecilia,” Olina stuttered, the fear of being broomed out the door making her speech falter.

Lucy stopped sweeping and planted herself squarely in front of Olina.

After a moment of silence, Lucy said, “I have no idea how you've managed to survive this long.”

She wondered what on earth Mr. Martinez Senior was thinking when he married such a nitwit.

No wonder he couldn’t trust her to take the reins of the family.

Olina was at a loss for words.

“Megan might be your buddy, but does that trump your relationship with Owen? Instead of making his life easier, you’re just adding to his stress by listening to others,” Lucy continued, her words sharp as knives.

The harshness of Lucy's words sent shivers down Olina's spine.

She knew full well the Scott family couldn't hold a candle to the might of the Martinez empire. If they ever faced the wrath of the Andersons and the Blues, they would likely lose everything.

Just then, Owen's chauffeured car pulled up.

He was blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding inside the shop.

He was too excited about Cecilia agreeing to accompany him to a gala event, feeling like he had won the lottery.

He had taken his time to dress up for the evening, ditching his usual black suit for a pristine white one. Now he looked exactly like the fairytale prince straight out of a storybook.

Even his bodyguards complimented him on his striking appearance.


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