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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1941

It was their first official encounter.

He was a towering figure, with muscles rippling beneath his suit. The silver mask he wore seemed to cast an icy, sinister aura about him. A jagged scar ran from the corner of his lip down to his chin; it was a grotesque sight that would likely split his face in two if the mask were ever removed.

Estelle couldn't help but speculate whether his mask was to conceal that dreadful scar or to hide his true identity.

Sensing Estelle's gaze, Raiden turned his eyes towards her.

The eyes that peeked out from behind the mask were cold and ruthless, almost indifferent as they locked onto Estelle. There was no hint of evasion, as if what he had done earlier to set Lambert and her up didn't even exist.

Their eyes met, both masked, yet it seemed as if they saw through each other in that fleeting moment.

After a short pause, Raiden shifted his gaze away towards the horizon.

Estelle was puzzled; she couldn't sense any familiar aura about this man, so he was unlikely someone she knew.

But he knew her and Gab!

Was he one of the Wolverines, unfamiliar with Gab, just recognizing her in hopes of luring Gab out?

Was his animosity towards her rooted in the knowledge that she had killed Wolverine?

All guesses seemed plausible.

As Estelle observed the broad back of the man, a fleeting sense of familiarity washed over her. It was an odd sensation.

Where had she seen him before?

Lost in thought, Winston suddenly exclaimed, “Alvis is here!”

Estelle turned to look.


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