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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 147

Benjamin did not admit or deny it, but he slightly curled his lips. I couldn't figure out the expressions in his eyes, but this attitude was unpredictable and ambiguous.

Freya asked in disbelief, "You really are a toyboy? You can't be! Are you sure?"

Benjamin suddenly asked, "What is a toyboy anyway?"

Freya froze for a moment before replying, "It means she pays for everything you do while you, well, satisfy her."

Benjamin looked at Freya with a sudden realization. He said softly, "I live in her house and drive her car. If that's the case, then I'm indeed her toy boy."

Freya was shocked. She pointed at me and pointed at Benjamin. "You are kidding, right?" she asked, unable to believe what she had just heard.

"Why would I do that?" Then Benjamin stretched out his hand to tidy my clothes and asked softly, "Do you want to go home?"

"Yeah," I said. Benjamin took my hand and left slowly. Before entering the elevator, I turned back to look at Freya. Her friend pushed her away, but she was in a trance.

I said to Benjamin, "She likes you."

Benjamin raised his eyebrows, clenched my palm and said, "There are many people who like me. Should I give them all what they want?"

I knew better than to shut up. When Benjamin brought me back to Elysia, the two children had fallen asleep. Only Sean was left playing games in the living room.

Sean suddenly turned off the console and said seriously, "Something urgent happened back in City B. I will take the plane tomorrow morning, and your grandfather knows you are here. He asked me to take Ellis home, and he said... you have no right to be with him."

Hearing this, Benjamin sneered, "I don't have the right to be with my own son? Who does then?"

Benjamin said disapprovingly, "He thinks that he can force me in his own way, but he'd better realize that this is 2020s, not 1920s. Doing things in the way he does is gonna lead the company right into a tomb sooner or later."

Sean hesitated and said, "I'll take Ellis back to City B tomorrow. Don't go right against him, at least not now."

Benjamin frowned. I held his hand tightly and said, "Just let him take Ellis back. We don't have to do this."

I went back to my bedroom to see Ellis, who was sleeping soundly. He looked more and more like Benjamin, and his features were clearer and clearer.

I reached out and placed my hand on his small cheek. Benjamin entered the bedroom and said, "Sorry, you have to separate from your son tomorrow."

Ellis was going to be taken back to City B tomorrow, only one day after he got here. I didn't feel sad in my heart, at least not sadder than Ellis would be when he knew he was leaving again.

He suffered too much.

"Make sure he doesn't feel too bad tomorrow," I said.

"Well, he can only go back to the Dunn family for the time being." Benjamin seemed to think of something and said, "Grandpa is too busy to deal with it now. The Dunn family should not have the ability to compete for the contract with your company. You don't have to worry about City B."

His Grandpa is too busy to deal with "it"?

What was "it"?

In the morning, Benjamin explained everything to Ellis. Although he was very reluctant to go, he was sensible enough to leave with Sean in the end.

Anthony also left with them.

A few hours later, Anthony called. "Aunt, I've just arrived in City B. Uncle Bob is here to pick me up."

"Well, take care of yourself back at the school. Buy some new clothes if you want. Well, you know what to do. You don't need me to tell you all this."

Anthony said, "Aunt, thank you."

After hanging up, I received a message from Joel, who gave me the deadline of the first week of the New Year.

In other words, half a month from now.

For a moment, I felt helpless. I did not know how to explain it to Joel. Currently, my own company and the Jenkins Group were already too much for me to handle. If I were to deal with the whole Shears Group.

I tried to find the right words to reply.

He called me before I could find them. I looked at Benjamin, who was going through some documents on the balcony. So I took the phone to the bedroom. At the time, Joel started talking, "I have raised a lot of capable assistants for you. You don't have to think about these problems."

It seemed that Joel wanted to make sure I had no way out of this.

He said again, "I have told you a long time ago that the Shears Group has set up a game that involves the Dunns, the Heaneys, and the Solanges, a game that grandpa allowed and designed for you only."

Joel had told me that the children of the Shears family were not to be trifled with. But I still did not know what the game was.

I suppressed the ripples in my heart and closed my eyes. "Joe, are you really sure? What if I lose?"

What if I lost to them?

"Em, the Shears family can afford to lose."

He paused and said, "Em, there's something I haven't told you. You'll know the result next week. It's a thankless thing, but I always feel that he needs to fall down."

Puzzled, I asked, "Who needs to fall?"

Instead of answering me, Joel said, "I'll be waiting for you."

Joel had made up his mind. I looked at the tall buildings outside the window and felt at a loss. I didn't know what it meant to go on like this... I always felt that it was endless.

I sighed and turned to go to the side of Benjamin. He was dealing with a pile of complicated documents. I asked, "Darren came in contact with the Shears Group. What do you think I should do next?"

"What can you do?" Benjamin stretched out his arms and took me into his arms, sat down, and said in a calm voice, "Do what you should do."

What should I do?

It was immoral for Benjamin to throw the problem back to me. I patted him on the face and put my forehead against his, saying, "I used to think that setting up a company could give me dignity."

I wanted to raise my head up in front of Benjamin's grandpa, because he said what the Dunn family needed was a woman who could be worthy of Benjamin, a scheming woman.

But at this moment, none of it mattered at all.


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