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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 4

The cold compress last night was very effective. The bruises on my face were no longer obvious. It was just that there was a cut on the corner of my lips.

I licked the cut, but I didn't feel any particular pain.-

I stayed in the hotel room until noon before checking out and having brunch. Then I went to the bank to withdraw some money.

I sat on a bench in the park and wanted to give Mr. Dunn a call. But I then had a better idea and decided to add him on Facebook using his phone number.

Why was I so stupid? I actually went to the bank to withdraw money. I could just ask for his bank account number and transfer the money to him.

Why didn't I think of this last night?

After sitting amid the cold wind in the park for half an hour, he finally accepted my friend request. Satisfied, I asked for his bank account number and transferred the money to him.

Last night's hospital bill was not expensive. Even though I had some fluid transfusions and an X ray, it was only around 300 USD. I could still afford it.

I breathed a sigh of relief after transferring the money to him. I then blocked him on Facebook and put my phone back in my pocket.

It was best not to get too close to an excellent and handsome man like him. I believed that I shouldn't get attached to him either.

He was like a piece of gold by the roadside that would soon be returned to his rightful owner even though I got to brush shoulders with him. He was also like a mirage in the desert...

He was an oasis so far away from me that I would never reach in this lifetime.

I took a deep breath to suppress the agitation in my heart. I then hailed a cab and headed to Goldstone District, where my mother stayed.

In fact, there were very few interactions between my mother and I in the past few years. I usually only visited her during the festive season, and I treated those visits like missions I had to complete.

We were not close. However, she was after all, my mother. After 01' Shears passed away ten years ago, she was the only family member I had left.

Actually, my grandparents were still alive, and they hoped that I would return to the Shears family. But 01' Shears had told me that the Shears family and I were from different worlds.

Since 01' Shears didn't want me to be part of the Shears family, I didn't plan to go against his words.

My mother was a typical middle- aged woman. She didn't have a job, and all she did was gossip together with her neighbours all day long, every single day.

My stepfather had chastised her a few times and told her to keep things to herself. In his opinion, we shouldn't let other people know about our private affairs as this might give them something on us.

My mother ignored his advise and even quarreled with him because of this.

Every time she quarreled with him, my stepfather's daughter, Jeanie Channing, would make her life difficult. There was always a war between my mother and Jeanie. My mother and Jeanie had never gotten along well. My mother refused to be the kind of stepmother who let her stepdaughter walk all over her, so she had always done everything she wanted regardless of Jeanie's opinions.

Jeanie was around eighteen years old. Being the rebellious young woman she was, of course she would never give in to my mother.

The two of them quarreled all the time, and it made my stepfather's life extremely difficult.

The moment I arrived home, I saw Jeanie sitting on the sofa with a ball of wool. She seemed to be knitting a scarf. I asked, "Where's my mother?"

"Julienne Zacharia?" She uttered my mother's full name in a rude tone, but I didn't bother to get angry at her. I merely gave a light hum.

There was no point arguing with this willful young woman.

"She heard that there's a sale at the supermarket and dragged my dad to go shopping with her. What a cheapskate. She's acting as though the Channing family never gives her any money."

Jeanie was always insulting my mother.

I thought about it for a moment and sat down next to her to reason with her. "No matter how bad my mother is, she's still your stepmother.

I respect your father, don't I? You wouldn't like me badmouthing your father, would you?"

"Does my father treat you badly? He gave you everything you needed growing up and paid for your studies. If you were to badmouth my father, you would be an ungrateful batch." Jeanie rolled her eyes. She then took her ball of wool with her and went into her bedroom.


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