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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 47

He suddenly stood up and said in a complimenting tone: "In fact, it was quite surprising that you could collect 700,000 on your own without using the money I gave you."

Benjamin knew me, so he used my money to give Julienne 200,000, first to preserve my self-esteem, and second, to spend money to make Julienne stop.

At that time, I was really relieved and I was grateful to him, but I did not expect that Julienne would actually hide it from me and repeatedly ask Benjamin for money!

What made me angrier was that Benjamin never refused, not one single time!

"Thank you, Benjamin." I said sincerely.

"Thank me for what?" Benjamin felt puzzled, frowned and left me and returned to his room.

He had promised to take revenge for me and get my property back for me, so he felt that I didn't need to say thank you!

After all, I paid back.

I loosened the clothes on my body to see the hickeys, bruises, and the marks left by him after he bit me!

He took my body strongly like a beast, releasing the desires in his heart. And I had no choice but to stand bare in front of him like a helpless lamb.

I squatted down and stretched out my hand to take out the cigarette butts he had thrown into the flowerpot and threw them into the trash can, and then took a kettle to water the flowers.

After watering the flowers, I put down the kettle and sat in the wicker chair, feeling something beneath me. I reached out and took out the hard object and found that it was the phone that Benjamin had left here. I turned it on and saw Twitter.

He logged into Twitter but did not log out.

There were no recent messages. Seemed like he had a habit of deleting all the messages.

I clicked to see his posts, wondering why he would block everyone.

But was I crossing a line by poking around something he didn't want me to see?

In the end, curiosity defeated the last line of defense in my heart, and I clicked in to see his posts.

I was completely taken aback by what I saw.

Benjamin's posts completely shook my whole world! I held back the shock in my heart and scrolled down to see the photos one by one.

"In September, I successfully proposed to Edie."

There was a photo where a girl had a very bright smile, she looked exactly the same as me, but the only difference was...

The only difference was that carefree smile on her face.

"October, Edie was three months pregnant."

The picture was a test report.

"In November, Edie tried the wedding dress."

Edith was beautiful in a white wedding dress.


The phone was suddenly taken away. I looked up and saw Benjamin's cold eyes facing me. He frowned and asked sarcastically: "Have a habit of peeking at other people's phones?"

I asked with a trembling voice, "Who was she...? Was it me?"

Zack said that I lost memory, and Edith... looked exactly the same as me. Was I Edity?

Was that me in all those photos?

I stared at his pair of surprised eyes, Benjamin smiled indifferently, and said:

"Pretty good at flattering yourself, huh?"

Benjamin put away his cell phone and said indifferently: "Edith was your twin sister. She was sent away to grow up in an orphanage since she was a child, and you... You were brought up by your parents."

I was shocked and asked: "When did I have a twin sister?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask your mother, she should remember how many children she has given birth to."

Benjamin looked sure, and I immediately took out my cell phone and called Julienne. As soon as she picked up, I nervously asked, "Mom, do I have a sister named Edith?"

"What? How do you know!" Julienne's noisy voice came: "I regret that you were the one I kept with me."

I hung up, tears poured down.

I had never lost my memory. Zack just took me for Edith!

And that was the reason he treated me so well, wasn't it? This recognition made me feel desperate.

I looked up at Benjamin. I had never felt that he was so cold and ruthless. I asked in a low voice, "So, you chose to be with me just because I look exactly like Edith? So, whatever you said in front of my face was never meant for me, but for Edith, right? What am I supposed to make of this? Am I some sort of tool of yours so that you could make up for what you didn't do for your finance? Do you know how disgusting that is? Being with my sister's husband?"

Benjamin's eyes flashed, slightly bent over and stretched out his hand to touch my head, and said softly: "Remember, you are Mrs. Dunn now. This is your identity. I am not your sister's husband but yours."

Really? Wasn't that just easy for him to say?

The person I fell in love with wanted nothing but a deal with me. I had all these fantasies that someday this huge chunk of an iceberg would melt. But the photos were like a wakeup call.

The person I fell in love with always used me as an alternative.

So, in his eyes, did he f*ck me or Edith just now?

I closed my eyes and said, "I know."

The deal still existed.

Benjamin stretched out his hand and patted my face and left. I looked up at his back and felt sad.

And sick, sick to my stomach.


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