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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 48

"Maybe, maybe not."

Maybe, maybe not.

I smiled and said, "That was a dumb question."

My heart felt heavy, but I felt relaxed for Benjamin again, knowing that I was the one he cared about all the time.

But he also said that he might meet a woman he liked in the future.

He never promised anything, not even for Edith.

So, did he still love Edith now?

I had lunch with Zack. I took his car to the bank and transferred 700,000 to September. After returning to the police station, I was upset, so I got off work early and went to Julienne.

Benjamin and Zack said the same thing, but I personally confirmed that it was different. Looking at Julienne sitting on the sofa eating apples, I hesitated for a long time and asked: "Do I really have a sister?"

She squinted at me and asked sarcastically, "I thought you said you never wanted anything to do with me anymore." I put out six grand in front of her, frowned, and said, "Mom, two grand for a question, I just want to get some answers."

She took a bite of the apple and was stunned, and then put all the money in her arms, counting carefully and saying, "Ask."

"Why was Edith sent away?"

Julienne didn't even hesitate to say, "Your deadbeat of a father couldn't afford to keep her, so he sent your sister to someone else."

Edith was given away to someone else, but then how did she end up being in the orphanage? What happened?

I asked again: "Why haven't I been told of her existence?" Even 01' Shears never said a single word about her.

"Why do you wanna know these anyway? If you were the one given away back then, my life would've been much better now."

I closed my eyes and asked, "Is she still alive?"

Hearing that, Julienne was startled, and shook her head after a long time and said: "We lost track of Edith after giving her away. It was only a long time later that we heard that she had died. What do you wanna do about it?"

I shook my head and left.

Edith was a secret hidden in the dark corner of the past, and the orphanage she went to has become a secret no matter what the reason.

The only certainty was that Edith in Benjamin's mouth was indeed me! From Zack and Julienne's mouth, I got the truth I wanted and further affirmed my answer.

In October, Edie was three months pregnant! I suddenly remembered this post, which I saw on Benjamin's phone yesterday! If Edith was pregnant for three months, where was the baby now?

I stretched out my hand to stroke my belly, feeling a little scared, was that child alive or... If so, where was it now?

The lack of memory made me feel exceptionally scared, and my ignorance of the past almost overwhelmed me. I went back to Elysia in a daze, opened the door and went back to my room to think.

Half an hour later, I received a call from Benjamin. As if nothing had happened, he asked, "Where are you?"

I replied: "Home."

Benjamin said, "Go downstairs."

He hung up the phone directly. I held the phone in a daze and didn't know what he meant, but I still did as he said.

After waiting downstairs for more than ten minutes, two luxury cars bypassed the garden in the neighborhood and parked in front of me. Sean stretched out his head and said dissatisfied: "Why the f*ck do you have to come along?"

Benjamin got out of the car and looked at Sean coldly, then took my hand and took me into the car, and sat back in the driver's seat.

He started the car and drove out of the neighborhood. I stared at Sean's car in front, and asked faintly, "Where are we going?"

Benjamin explained, "Sean's birthday party."

No wonder Sean was unwilling to take me along.

I rolled down the window of the car and looked at the gray sky, like my mood at the moment, covered with a layer of dust.

The atmosphere in the car was too dull, and I could not help but ask: "Benjamin, do you still miss my sister, Edith?"

"Your sister?" Benjamin's voice lowered and then said: "What difference does it make? I feel guilty for her, but I don't plan to do that for the rest of my life. Besides, five years have passed. No matter how strong the relationship used to be, there will be a moment when it fades away. My love for her is something more of past tense."

His meaning was very simple. He no longer loved Edith, but that was only because he didn't know I was Edith.

Whether it was Edith in the past or me, Benjamin never loved either of them. I was wishing that I could be Edith earlier that day but now...

I nodded and heard Benjamin's indifferent tone asking: "Then do you still miss your ex-husband?"

I smiled: "Ex-husband? I still don't even know why I was with him. Steve is not worthy of my love."

Benjamin asked: "Then who is worthy of your love?"

"I haven't had the time to figure that out yet," I said.

Benjamin was silent, he speeded up to pass Sean, and Sean came up at us again with his window rolled down, and cursed: "It's my f*cking birthday so will you cut it? I gotta go and pick up my chick!"

Benjamin smiled faintly: "So? I got my girl here in my car too. Why should I let you show off all you want?"

"'Cause she's already your wife and I've not got my chick yet!"

Benjamin ignored him, but still lowered the speed silently. I wondered: "Is he going to pick up September?"

"Yep, his dream girl."

"Oh, September should be in the city procuratorate now." It was still working time.


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