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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 49

A woman calling Benjamin as Ben affectionately, I subconsciously frowned and looked at the man who was holding me. He let go of me and asked indifferently, "I thought you were in Cietin."

I could sense his caution when talking to the woman.

"How could I miss Sean's birthday?" She walked over gracefully from a distance, stretched out her hand to hold Benjamin's palm, and said lightly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you."

She ignored me by Benjamin the whole time.

I guessed that maybe it was because she had gotten to the ever- changing women by Benjamin's side that she didn't care to pay any attention to me.

Benjamin looked at me and I smiled faintly, and he coldly retracted his gaze and said, "Well, let's go in."

Seeing my defeat, Sean said aloud: "Victoria, don't just stand around here, take your man to enjoy the ship."

Your man... Sean said it on purpose! He was retaliating against me for saying that he would never get September. But he didn't know what he said would do himself no good.

September had finally developed some good feelings towards him but all of them would vanish just because of what he said.

It turned out this woman was Victoria. She was the daughter- in- law the Dunn family wanted.

I lowered my head and followed them, September suddenly broke free from Sean came over and took my hand, and said stiffly: "Let's go."

Sean hurriedly asked, "Where are you going, September?"

September glared at Victoria and said, "Not here!"

Sean should understand what she meant, and said hurriedly: "It's my birthday so will you just cut me some slack?"

I shook my head: "September, don't ruin it, I'm fine."

September would never endure something like this, especially because of the fact that she almost became my brother's wife.

She thought she should protect me from anyone and anything!

She roared, "Emma, why are you so spineless? Look at your man! He is holding another woman's hand but doesn't care how you feel! If Joel knows about this, I'm pretty sure you and I both know what's gonna happen. Why do you care about this man who doesn't give a s*it about you anyway? We are leaving, right now!"

What September said was true.

Joel would stare at me coldly if he were to know about this. He held nothing more precious than the dignity of the Shears family.

But at least Joel would care about me because I was his only sister.

September pointed to Benjamin and looked at me, and then suddenly said, "I'm sorry, Emma...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things. Let's just leave, okay? I don't wanna stay here."

I was not familiar with September before, because I didn't want to interact with Shears family, but she insisted on pestering me.

So she had always been cautious when she was with me.

I really got familiar with her after I called her for help when Steve betrayed me.

Seeing her uneasy appearance, I stretched out my hand to hold her palm, suppressed the sadness in my heart, and said calmly: "September, if you really want to leave, we will leave, but you have to think it through. What did we promise Sean before coming along?"

September looked at Sean and said, "To celebrate his birthday."

"So, are you willing to go back on your words just because of something like this? I don't even care, why should you care?"

I looked at Benjamin and smiled calmly and said, "Whether he is with me or another woman, what does it matter?"

I was saying those things completely because I was angry.

But I had to at least retain my dignity.

September closed her eyes and said, "Whatever you say, then."

Benjamin suddenly let go of Victoria's hand, and stood in front of me and asked softly, "Something like this? Like what? Emma, do you really mean what you just said or are you jealous?"

His tone was very light. I changed the topic and said, "It's Sean's birthday. Don't make everyone unhappy because of this."

I squinted at the indifferent man, Benjamin snorted and bypassed Victoria, and went straight into the boat by himself.

Victoria's gaze stayed on me for a while, then turned around with a sneer and followed Benjamin in.

I said to September: "You can go with Sean, I'm hungry. I'll go and grab something to eat."

The cabin inside was large but empty. I chose some food and took out the cabin and sat on the deck with the sea breeze blowing.

I was completely devastated by what just happened but I couldn't show any signs of it, which tortured me the most.

I squinted and ate a piece of cake. Looking at the azure sea, I felt even more depressed. I fell asleep dazedly against the cabin and finally was awakened by the coldness and the noise.

I heard Victoria's voice questioning: "She is really the Edith five years ago! Benjamin, what do you plan to do with her?"

"What can I do?" Benjamin said in a cold voice: "So what she is Edith? What does it have to do with you?"


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