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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1002

Agnes said, "If we could just wipe them out in one fell swoop, think of how many lives and families we could save."

But Agnes knew that fighting drug trafficking was always fraught with danger. Every year, countless narcotics officers lose their lives in the line of duty.

Jarvis continued, "This might be the biggest drug case in history. They're dealing with a new kind of drug unlike anything we've seen before. It's called 'Rainbow Pills.' Highly addictive, they easily cause hallucinations, making the social damage caused by addicts severe. There have already been multiple incidents of violence and suicides linked to these drugs. Our investigation has uncovered that the culprits have their own team, even an army, with chemists specializing in drug development. If we don't take them down, who knows how many people will suffer. We've already set up a task force to look into this, starting with Lanny."

"Why would you share such confidential information with us?" Agnes asked.

"That's precisely why I'm here today," Jarvis replied. "I've been conducting a secret investigation and discovered we have a mole in the force. So, I've intentionally leaked false operation details while continuing my investigation in secret. In the near future, I have two main tasks: one is to meet with Lanny and get the contact information for his superior, and the other is to identify the mole. That's where I need Ms. Pritchard's help."

"Me?" Agnes was taken aback.

"Yes, you. Mr. Judson and I go way back, and he has spoken highly of Ms. Pritchard's character. I've also looked into your background and know that you've assisted the FBI in cracking an international drug trafficking case while at CNN, not to mention you're a taekwondo expert. But more importantly, it's your compassion and integrity that we trust. For this operation, we need a journalist to gather information for the case and subsequent reporting. So, I'm hoping Ms. Pritchard will join our special operations team."

Agnes was indeed surprised. She had, in fact, helped crack an international drug trafficking case while in the United States. And it had been extremely dangerous. Agnes furrowed her brows slightly.

"I understand the risks involved in such cases," Jarvis continued. "If Ms. Pritchard has any reservations, you can forget I ever mentioned this."

After a moment's consideration, Agnes said, "What do you need me to do?"

Jarvis smiled, "Ms. Pritchard, you haven't disappointed me."

He laid out the plan. The next evening, Agnes would pose as his girlfriend and accompany him to the Dark Night Bar. He had arranged to meet Lanny in a private room there. Jarvis would handle the negotiations. Agnes's role was to covertly record the meeting, gathering evidence, and to obtain Lanny's superior's contact information. Jarvis would be posing simply as a businessman looking to buy.

Agnes agreed to the plan. Jarvis handed her a folder of confidential information and had her sign a nondisclosure agreement. The documents contained a list of underworld figures the police were preparing to take down.

As Jarvis left, he reassured Agnes, "Ms. Pritchard, with me, your safety is guaranteed. Tomorrow, just focus on documenting the evidence."

Agnes nodded. Apart from Judson, no one else at the TV station knew about this investigative operation. Judson gave Agnes a few more words of advice before she left.


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