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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1008

Ramona was practically bouncing off the walls, eager for action.

Agnes, on the other hand, was at her wit's end.

But dealing with Jared's drama was the last thing on her mind right now.

Because tonight, she was teaming up with Jarvis for a mission at the Dark Night Bar.

Interacting with those folks was always a risky business.

Agnes was well aware of the dangers.

Yet, the weight of her responsibilities made it impossible for her to back down.

However, every time she put herself in harm's way, she couldn't help but feel she was letting Nocturne Pritchard down.

She had promised Nocturne she wouldn't recklessly put herself in danger.

But the thought of countless kids losing their families because of these criminals made her feel it was her duty to act.

It was this sense of duty that made Agnes truly love her job as a journalist.

When evening rolled around, Agnes got in touch with Jarvis.

Jarvis would pick her up at six.

By five, the TV station's staff had already clocked out.

So, by six, the place was practically empty.

Otherwise, Agnes wouldn't dare walk out in her chosen outfit.

Since they were hitting a nightclub, and her cover was as a tough chick, her outfit was naturally out of the ordinary.

After work, Agnes slipped into a spaghetti strap top and a short leather skirt she had set aside for tonight.

Then she headed to the restroom to apply dramatic smoky eye makeup and tousled her hair, tying it into a messy bun.

Looking at her reflection, Agnes hardly recognized herself.

Checking the time, she saw it was nearly time to go.

Agnes hurried out of the restroom, planning to head downstairs.


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