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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1034

Agnes held onto Phenix's hand, a comforting smile on her face. "Hey, quit your worrying. Once you're married, you get to spend forever with your big bro, right?"

At the mention of marriage, Phenix's face lit up with a grin. "You know, I've actually gone and bought a place out in the Australian countryside. Got myself a little estate, planning to raise some sheep, get a sheepdog, and maybe have a couple of chubby little kids running around."

Listening to Phenix's dreams, Agnes couldn't help but feel a touch of happiness herself. It seemed like every woman had entertained such thoughts at one point or another.

Waving off the subject, Phenix suggested, "Alright, enough daydreaming. Since our dear Kearney is here, let's take this rare chance to have a meal together tonight, just the three of us siblings."

Their paths had intertwined for many years, yet life's busy demands often kept them apart.

With Kearney's rare presence, Agnes agreed they should indeed seize the moment for a gathering.

"I'll go fetch Kearney. He's over at The Aeolus Tower. I'll head to the kitchen and whip up some of our favorite dishes. Meet you back here for dinner," Phenix proposed.

Agnes nodded and set off towards The Aeolus Tower.

Navigating the maze-like architecture, she finally arrived at The Aeolus Tower, a grand structure housing its own restaurant and chefs, along with several luxury private rooms typically reserved for insiders.

Knowing her way around, Agnes made her way to Kearney's room, only to encounter a man storming out just as she approached. His glare was venomous, filled with a silent rage that sent shivers down her spine.

As Agnes dared to meet his gaze, the man snarled, "What're you looking at? Keep staring and I'll rip those eyeballs right out."

Taken aback by his aggression, Agnes couldn't help but wonder about the man's connection to Kearney, possibly one of his men?

Choosing to ignore the threat, she continued on her way, only for the man, mistaking her for one of the establishment's women, to grab her arm, demanding she entertain him as he sought to vent his frustrations.

Agnes, refusing to be intimidated, managed to break free and retaliated with a swift kick to his shin.

Enraged by her defiance, the man was about to strike when Kearney's voice halted him in his tracks.

"Patton, are you out of your mind?"

The fear that gripped Patton upon hearing Kearney's voice was palpable, freezing him on the spot as if caught by a predator's gaze.


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