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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1035

His fist was still raised in mid-air. But his pupils dilated, and beads of sweat instantly broke out on his forehead. Panic was written all over his face, unmistakable and raw.

Kearney was making his way over, calm and collected. Patton quickly lowered his fist, turned around, and bowed his head. "Mr. Kearney, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. This girl was asking for it, I was just about to teach her a lesson."

Kearney's voice was cold as ice. "Teach her a lesson? And you think you're in a position to do so?"

Hearing Kearney speak like that made Patton's face turn even uglier. Was this girl here for Mr. Kearney? But wasn't Mr. Kearney famously indifferent to women? Otherwise, why would he dare to be so bold?

Patton immediately said, "Mr. Kearney, I had no idea she... this lady was one of your people."

Kearney drawled, "She's not one of my people. She is Albert's beloved Miss Septima. You dared to raise your fist to Miss Septima, aren't you afraid Albert will have you quartered and thrown into the Crocodile Pool as fish food?"

At that, Patton's legs turned to jelly, and he dropped to his knees. He might not have met Miss Septima, but he had heard the name. Miss Septima was adopted by Albert five years ago. Though she was the last to join, she was the most cherished and protected. Albert's golden boy was borne by Miss Septima.

Rumor had it Albert even gifted her his prized Phoenix-Eye Bodhi bead. That was a well-known fact in the underworld. That Bodhi bead had been with Albert for years, his most treasured possession. Moreover, that bead was a symbol of immense power; both the righteous and the wicked would steer clear of its bearer, a talisman of peace. This showed just how much Albert cherished Miss Septima.

Patton hadn't expected this seemingly inconspicuous girl to be the renowned Miss Septima. He might indeed end up chopped and fed to the fishes.

Immediately, Patton prostrated before Agnes, begging, "Miss Septima, Patton was blind not to recognize your grace. I've offended you, please don't stoop to my level and forgive me this once. If you spare Patton this time, I swear to be at your service."

Agnes watched Patton grovel, a stark contrast from his former menacing self.

Before Agnes could speak, Kearney added, "Patton, known as Honey Badger, do you really think you're still that brawler? But do you know the honey badger is close to extinction because of its own recklessness? No matter how strong, can a mere badger stand against lions and tigers? You better understand your place. Even though you're one of the big guy's men, if you keep this boldness up, who knows if he might take care of you himself."

Kearney's words, though veiled, were pointed. Agnes didn't catch the full implication. But when she heard "Honey Badger," her mind exploded like a bomb had gone off.

Honey Badger? Wasn't that the name of Lanny's boss? Lanny's drugs were supplied by a mobster known as Honey Badger. And when Agnes had traced that number, it led to someone in Albert’s Arms. Could it be such a coincidence? Was this Honey Badger the man before her?


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