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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 194

"What did you just say?"

Cecile looked incredulous.

Ryder shrugged off Cecile's hand.

Turning around, he told the director, "I'll be stepping in for Vinson as Romeo."

Even Andrea was taken aback by this dramatic turn of events.

But Agnes was indeed a talented actress, and her previous popularity would surely make the school event a hit.

Andrea said, "That's the best possible scenario. Now, I declare Ryder will replace Vinson as Romeo. Spend some time rehearsing and get used to each other. Bring honor to our school in two weeks."

As she left the office, Cecile was trembling with rage.

Ryder simply walked away.

Agnes stared at his retreating figure, puzzled.

He always seemed to hate her, so why did he help her at this critical moment?

"Agnes, you got lucky this time, but don't count on this kind of good fortune next time."

With that, Cecile attempted to leave.

But Agnes blocked her path, "Isn't it time we settled our scores?"

"What scores?" Cecile played dumb.

Agnes tossed a piece of paper at her, "Remember our bet? I won, so you need to go to the administration office and clear up that you intentionally slandered me on the school forum. I've already prepared the statement. Go now."

Cecile glanced at the statement, her fingers trembling with anger.

"I won't read it."

"Alright, then like you, I'll give you three slaps. But I've been practicing Taekwondo since I was a kid, so my punches might be a bit hard. But to go easy on you would be a disservice to all the things you've done."


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