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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 216

Ryder recalled, the first time he heard the name Agnes, was on the third day of military training after enrolling in university.

At that time, he had just come back from abroad and was still not used to domestic life and jet lag.

The scorching summer, the high-intensity military training, and what was worse, he ran into a very strict officer.

Back then, military training wasn't divided by majors or classes. It was random, each group consisting of sixty people from different majors and classes.

In order to test their endurance, the officer would always make them stand in the blazing sun for half an hour before lunch every day when the sun was at its strongest.

He was not feeling well in those few days, but kept pushing through.

When he felt that he was about to fail and the world in front of him began to become blurred, someone next to him suddenly handed him a bottle of mineral water.

The girl’s voice was clear and pleasing to the ear, "Hey, boy, this is for you."

He strained his eyes to look at the person next to him, only to see a face that made his heartbeat race.

She handed him a bottle of mineral water and said softly, "Drink it, but don't let the officer see you."

Ryder took the water bottle, which had clearly been drunk from before.

He was a germaphobe, not liking to use things that others had touched, let alone water that someone else had drunk.

However, at that moment, he didn't mind at all.

He opened the bottle and took a big gulp, and the world in front of him gradually became clear.

From that day on, he began to pay attention to this girl.


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