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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 321

Agnes was a bit lost in the moment.

She widened her eyes, staring at the handsome face in front of her.

But in no time, Jared had her all dizzy with his kiss.

She could smell his good scent, and Jared went from being bossy at first to being gentle. They were smooching under the starry sky.

Above them was the endless night sky, with stars that seemed like spilt silver on the ground.

The evening breeze blew, but they weren't cold.

A bonfire was in front of them, the popping sound of popcorn echoed in the air.

Sheep bleated in the distance every now and then, as if even the air was filled with sweetness.

That was the starry sky in Agnes' memory, the sweetest kiss she ever had.

So much so that years later, when she was in a foreign land, gazing at the brilliant city from her apartment in Manhattan.

What emerged in front of her were that starry night, the leaping bonfire, and the taste of potatoes...

That bitter-sweet memory, it kept torturing her...

The next day, Agnes and Jared got up early.

Because it was the anniversary of her mother's death.

Her mother was buried in the most expensive cemetery in Willowbrook Town, but it was nearby.

Her grandmother had buried all of her mother's belongings in a small mound behind the hill and erected a tombstone.

Every year on the anniversary, Agnes would come here to pay her respects.

She prepared the offerings, then they climbed up the hill together.

Her grandma was feeling pretty down today, probably because she was reminded of her deceased daughter.

Agnes was also sad, but she didn't show it.

When they reached her mother Julia's grave, her grandma took out the items from the basket one by one.

Those were all pastries made by her grandma in the morning.


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