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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 345

Agnes didn't take it too seriously.

He was so busy, so he didn't have time to trek all the way to S City, a thousand kilometers away, just to see her.

She was flying to S City the next day, and her flight was at nine.

When Agnes woke up, it was already eight. She might not make it.

And Jared was still snoozing.

They had both been dog-tired the previous night, so they were out like a light.

Maybe it was because they were about to part ways...

But now there was no time.

Agnes hastily woke Jared up, "You gotta drive me to the airport, it's a race against the clock, I still gotta go through security."

Agnes quickly got out of bed, but before she could steady herself, Jared caught her.

And there she was, pinned under Jared again.

The sleepiness gradually faded from his eyes, replaced by a spark of something else.

He didn't say a word, just started kissing her neck, his hand roaming all over her.

Agnes was freaking out, "Jared, knock it off, I'm gonna miss my flight."

"No way, no way, move aside."

But her resistance was futile, and by the time she came to her senses, another hour had passed.

Agnes stared helplessly at the ceiling, completely exhausted, while the man next to her rolled out of bed, satisfied.

Seeing him in such a good mood that he was even humming a tune, Agnes was fuming.

She got up and gave Jared a pinch on the arm, "It's all your fault, what do we do now, I'm gonna miss my flight."

But Jared just cheerfully said, "Well, I'm heading to S City for a business trip these few days, and I happen to have a private jet."

Agnes' eyes lit up, "You have a private jet? Why didn't I know?"


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