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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 688

Hammer knew his odds of getting away were slim. If he got caught by the police, it would be a kidnapping charge. But Hammer decided to risk it all.

With a sudden hard brake in the middle of the road, Hammer twisted his wheel, reversing his direction.

Jared's car was right behind Hammer's, and the tunnel was narrow.

It was a single lane.

The cars that were originally behind Hammer ended up colliding, causing a traffic jam at the tunnel entrance.

The police cars at the tunnel entrance were also blocked.

Inside the tunnel was chaos, but Hammer, against all the odds, managed to break free.

Jared watched as Hammer's car came barreling towards him in the opposite direction.

Hammer and Jared were in the same lane, the two cars were rapidly closing in on each other.

Now, there were only two possibilities.

One was for one of them to brake, pulling over to let the other pass.

The other was a head-on collision, which would result in a fatal crash.

But if Jared hit the brakes, Hammer would charge right out of the tunnel and escape.

He was driving in the wrong direction, and the tunnel entrance had a feeder road.

Once Hammer got out there and merged into traffic, he'd be almost impossible to track.

Especially since his reckless driving had already caused big traffic jam.

As soon as the tunnel entrance got clogged, he could make his escape.

But if Hammer stopped, it would be as if he was admitting guilt.

Now it was pretty much a gamble on their courage, the stakes were their own lives.

Hammer and Jared locked eyes.

Hammer's face was grim, like a man with nothing to lose. But Jared was incredibly calm.

Jared didn't even touch the brakes.

In fact, when they were closest, he even stepped on the gas to accelerate.

It was a psychological warfare, either surrender first, or risk mutual destruction.


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