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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 992

Maggie was practically hyperventilating over the phone: "It's a total mess. You need to come over right now."

Agnes couldn't afford to waste a second. She jumped into her car and sped toward Maggie's place.

Maggie was staying at Ivan's Mansion at 23rd Avenue. Agnes had only been there twice before. The place was renowned for its stringent privacy policies. Luckily, Maggie had given the heads up. Agnes drove straight up to the standalone villa and hurried to the door.

The door swung open almost immediately. There stood Maggie. She was five months pregnant and looked like it. Ivan had cleared her schedule so she could spend most of her days there, focusing on her pregnancy.

Agnes, still anxious, blurted out, "What's going on with him?"

Maggie, all smiles, ushered her inside, "Come in and I'll tell you."

They stepped into a cozy, warm living room. Agnes spun around, "Where is he now?"

"Upstairs in the kitchen," Maggie replied.

Agnes found it odd. The second-floor kitchen? Still, she hurried upstairs toward the kitchen. Sure enough, there was Jared, donning a pink apron, diligently chopping vegetables. The dining table already boasted a spread of homely dishes looking delectably perfect. Just standing in the corridor outside the dining room, Agnes was greeted by the tantalizing aroma.

Jared was finely julienning potatoes, a knife master at work, completely oblivious to Agnes at the doorway. Maggie sidled up to Agnes. Agnes, perplexed, turned to her, "You said there was trouble, but he seems just fine?"

Maggie explained, "Does this look fine to you? He's been here for three days straight, cooking and sleeping. When he cooks, he cooks a whole morning's worth, a whole table full of dishes, and his cooking is so good, you can't help but finish it all. In these three days, I've gained five pounds! I'm pregnant, for heaven's sake. At my checkup this morning, the doctor said I'm gaining weight too fast. If this continues, the baby might be overnourished, which could lead to a difficult delivery. Isn't that serious? That's why I called you to take him off my hands."

Agnes was speechless.

Agnes responded, "I don't have anything to do with him now. If you don't want him staying here, just have Ivan kick him out."

Turning to leave, Agnes declared, "I'm out of here."

Maggie blocked Agnes's path, "Agnes, you came, which means you still care about Jared, right? Yes, Jared is comfortable here, too comfortable, just cooking and sleeping. But Agnes, do you think that's normal? He's not the Jared we used to know. He's lost all his drive. He doesn't talk; sometimes, he just stands there, staring into space. He used to share everything with his brother, and now he's silent. We've grown up together, so I know when he's really in trouble."

Agnes fell silent. Maggie was right. This version of Jared was someone even she hadn't encountered before. Jared was a wizard in the kitchen, not because of a passion for cooking, but because he excelled at practically anything he did. This wasn't him at all.


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