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Her Forbidden Alpha King novel Chapter 1

My pulse is on overdrive as I touch the doorknob. ‘Just open it, Allaya! Don’t you dare cower now!’

My senses are on high alert, for no reason in particular. Or perhaps it has something to do with Eduard’s weird behavior. Did he manage to make me a more nervous mess than I was before?

Damn you, Eduard! I turn around to fire a lethal glare at him only to meet his guilty regard, which I dismiss, I don’t have the mood to guess what he’s up to. I gulp down the lump in my throat and slowly open the door to Elijah’s office.

Nothing prepares me for what I find inside, and it’s the moment my heart stops. I feel a sharp pain in my chest watching the scene unfolding in front of me. It’s as if someone ripped the heart from my ribcage and stabbed the poor organ with a million dagger before leaving it to bleed out.

Elijah is cheating on me.

I believed he loved me.

I trusted him.

I defended him.

My ‘loyal boyfriend’ has a blonde bimbo on her hands and knees on his couch and he is plunging in and out of her from the behind, both of them groaning in ecstasy. The air is gut-churning, it’s reeking like alcohol, sweat and sex combined.

“Aaaahhhh, Elijah, there… You know how I like it! Yeah, don’t stop, I’m almost there!” She whispers through her moans, her voice sounding oddly unfamiliar. My brain is playing tricks on me, it must be from the shock.

“Just shut up and take what I give you!” He pulls her hair, his thrusts turning rougher, making her scream his name louder.

No, this cannot be happening to me. My eyes stung with tears, I feel the urge to turn around and run like a coward, but my body refuses to cooperate with my brain. I’m stuck, frozen on the spot.

I wish his office would not be soundproof, I wished I heard the sex noise from outside as a warning not to enter the room. I wish I would have paid attention to Eduard earlier. I wish… I wish I could just vanish into thin air.

But now it’s too late. Now I know.

I slam the door behind me and wait for them to register my presence.

They both flinch and turn around in shock. Reality hits me hard, like thunder and lightning all together. The blonde bimbo is none other than Elena, my beloved step sister and best friend.

The pain of betrayal surges through my veins, making my blood boil as I’m faced with the undeniable truth, my two closest people in this world stabbed me in the back, at the exact same time and in the exact same moment.

“Allaya, it’s not what it seems!” Elijah pleads, removing his hard member out of my step sister’s entrance.

His manhood is not even as big as he advertised it. His naked body does nothing to me. In fact, I feel a shiver of disgust. But that’s not even remotely the point here.

“I didn’t mean to, she forced me!”

Wow, really?

“Allaya, I can explain!” Elena finds her voice, and while in his eyes I can spot some glint of guilt, hers are flashing with pride.

So she’s the one that initiated this.

My face turns white paper pale, I can feel it. Multiple emotions are invading my body, they are fighting for dominance. Anger and hatred are consuming me, and in the blink of an eye, I sense how darkness engulfs me.

Dark icy wind blows past me, sending chills down my spine and making the hair on my body rise. The temperature in the room drops to 0 degrees in an instant, I can tell that they feel it as well, for panic and fear are flashing on their faces.

It’s happening again.

And I am unable to subdue it.

A piercing cold wave is devouring my body, the sensation is bone chilling and I cannot do a damn thing to stop it. I hear Elijah and Elena’s erratic heartbeats loud and clear and the veins on their necks surge as prominent to my eyes.


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