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His Disgusting Arranged Wife novel Chapter 7

They say two people connected by the red thread were destined together, regardless of place, time, and circumstances. This connection may stretch or tangle but will never break. For the westerners, it could be considered a soul mate.

As humans, they have a complex network of blood vessels connecting all parts of their body and one rather special channel within this system was the one connecting the heart to their pinky finger. For this same reason, two people make a truce or a vow by crossing their pinkies.

According to legend, this thread emanating from the heart doesn't end at the tip of the finger. It continues in the form of an invisible red string that flows out from the pinkie and goes on to intertwine with the red strings of other people, connecting one's heart with theirs.

Feng Tianyi closed the article he was reading on his laptop out of boredom and huffed. If there was such a thing, would that mean some people were bound to come back to his life? He didn't think so. It must be another farce humans tried to believe in order to find the meaning of their lives.

He glanced at the time over his desk. A small voice in him reminded him that he needed a new assistant, but he decided that he didn't care about it. It wasn't the first time it happened anyway. He never had an assistant who managed to stay working with him for over a week. His butler was already having a hard time trying to find a candidate that he wouldn't terrorize.

Feng Tianyi traced the cover of a book next to him. It was his greatest work, but he had yet to complete it. Over the course of his career as a novelist, this particular book was special to his heart, but he couldn't find the right words to finish it.

The bright sun beamed on the large villa, the wide windows allowing the sunlight to stream inside the room, while facing the green sceneries it offered to its inhabitants. One part of the french style-villa that could be seen from where Feng Tianyi was, was the gravel driveway that had barely been used over the years.

He wheeled his wheelchair to the other side of the room and looked out the opposite window. While the first one allowed him to see who's arriving, this other window lets him see the vast sea ahead of him.

How long had he been stuck here? Had it really been five years since he lost his ability to walk?

No... Feng Tianyi corrected himself. He didn't really lose it, the doctors and specialists told him. It was just that he refused to subject himself to the humiliation and self-pity by trying to regain the strength of his legs.

Feng Tianyi came here over four years ago in an attempt to hide from his past and mistakes he'd done. His current situation forbids him to amend his fate and to become what he used to be before his accident.

At least here, no one would try to criticize him. He was content with the isolation he brought upon himself. With a few servants keeping the villa clean and making sure he had enough food to eat, Feng Tianyi banished himself out of the business industry and spent time on his passion, which was writing.

Through his writing, he was able to forget how much of a failure of a man he was. His obligations at his father's company were forgotten and he allowed his younger brother to become the face of the company. Now, he spent most of his days in the garden whenever he wasn't confining himself to his desk, letting his fingers fly over his keyboard.

Shaking away the memories of the past out of his mind, he pushed his way towards the backyard, the ramps aiding him for a smooth exit from the main house before he reached the patio's cobblestone tiles. His hand adjusted his wheelchair and pushed himself towards the wooden table that had a canopy to protect him from the blinding sun above the blue sky.

Feng Tianyi never liked the sun when it was shining brightly like this. The last time he was awoken by such warmth and brightness was before his accident took place. He remembered spending a night with an unknown woman the day before it happened.


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