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His Disgusting Arranged Wife novel Chapter 9

It's been a month since Feng Tianyi moved back to Shenzhen, but he didn't find anything new or interesting in this place. Maybe because he never grew up in this place and had spent his whole life in France with his mother.

The weather in Shenzhen was a little warmer compared to other huge cities. For this reason, Feng Tianyi was dressed in casual wear and let his companion-slash-personal assistant wheel him to the usual cafe he'd been spending his mornings.

He was wheeled to his usual spot just a few meters away from the bar and away from the busy customers that come and go within the establishment. This had been the routine he'd followed since he came back from overseas.

Once the morning rush hour passed, the cafe would be at peace, giving him enough time to write the manuscript for his newest book, which was due in a months' time, while enjoying the strong brew of his hot coffee.

However, today, something had broken his routine. His spot was already occupied, but they weren't adults that were usual patrons of this business.

"Little Star, are you sure you want to eat parfait at this time? Should we ask Uncle Yunan if we're allowed to be here?" The boy who looked more mature than the girl sitting next to him.

"Yu Gege is worrying too much! It's fine! Also, should we order a cup of coffee for Mommy?" The girl questioned back. She then looked around. "We should go back soon or else Uncle will notice we are missing."

A staff member came towards them and her eyes widened at the scene. There were two toddlers checking the menu while Feng Tianyi was watching the two argue.

Feng Tianyi had no choice but to take the table next to them and watched them curiously, as they lowered their heads on the menu to choose what to order.

"Yu Gege, I can't read!" The girl whined again. "This is what I want and maybe we should get a black coffee for Mommy."

The boy shook his head. "Mommy doesn't like the bitterness of coffee. Maybe we should ask someone for an opinion."

Xiao Bao looked around and found Feng Tianyi looking at them.

"Uncle!" He slipped from his seat and ran towards him with slightly wiggly legs. "Uncle, can you please help us choose the right coffee for our Mommy?"

The little girl followed closely behind her brother and stood on her toes as she tried to look over the menu on top of the table.

"Sure," Feng Tianyi blinked, surprised that there were unsupervised toddlers here, "...but where's your Mommy?

Did you come here on your own?" He asked.

The little boy who climbed on the stool across him shook his head.

"Mommy went to visit her grandpa. Our Uncle is just outside talking on his phone,"

Feng Tianyi gave them a good look. The children's facial features were delicate and fair. Their eyes were round and beautiful with a hint of mischief in it. It was evident for the onlookers that this pair of siblings would be devastatingly beautiful and handsome when they grew up.

Both had an aura of dignity and elegance on its own and it seemed like they weren't just some kids from the neighborhood.

Everyone's attention was on the pair of sweet little buns. Just look at those cute chubby, rosy cheeks! The girl looks like a doll. Her hair was slightly wavy and was tied in a ponytail. Her doe-eyes were round and her skin was unblemished. She was wearing a white and pink dress and red flat shoes.


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