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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 117

It looked like Acacia was all set to move into Windermere Estate as Mrs. Abernathy and shack up with Thaddeus.

It made sense. She wouldn't be too pleased if she saw his ex-wife's stuff cluttering up the place.

"So, Mr. Thaddeus thinks they're in the way, huh? Just toss them. No need to come and ask me," Evadne's voice was as cold as ice.

"What about the gifts you gave me? Should I toss them too?"

Evadne's lips twitched into a mocking smile, "Those weren't from me. They were from Ilana Waverley. Ilana might have treasured them, but to me, Evadne, they're just annoying junk."

Thaddeus choked on his words.

"Next time, contact my secretary. I don't take calls from strangers. Bye."


"What now?" Evadne was so fed up with that man that her voice rose.

"What about the clothes? You kept them so carefully, afraid to get even a speck of dirt on them. You don't want them anymore?"

Thaddeus's voice was colder, more threatening, "If you don't come and get them, I'll consider them abandoned, and I'll deal with them as I see fit."

Evadne hesitated, her heart tightening.

Those carefully made clothes—each one was Myra's private collection. Every little detail was Myra's hard work.

When she heard that she wanted to borrow them to show her grandfather for a cheer-up, Myra readily took them out for her to choose from and even told her to keep them.

She wouldn't let that man ruin Myra's kindness. So, she took a deep breath and said, "I'll have Jason go to Windermere Estate to get them tomorrow."

"You come in person."

The man's voice was filled with an undeniable dominance, as if he had gained the upper hand, "If your secretary comes, I won't let him in. I'll be home waiting for you tomorrow. That's settled."

With that, he hung up.

"Damn it!" Evadne glared at the darkened screen, fuming.

Just because he had a few of her clothes, he acted as if he had her secret in his grasp!

She decided that she’d go, considering it vanquishing demons and monsters.

The next morning.

Evadne and Nydia got dressed and dolled up. Hand in hand, they went to the dining room for breakfast.

Cassius had an important group meeting and had left early. At the breakfast table, only Emeric, his three wives, and Arnold were present.

"You two lazybones, why are you only coming now? We've been waiting for you two." Arnold propped his cheek on his hand, teasing the sisters with a smile.

"She and I haven't seen each other for a long time. We talked till late last night and didn't sleep until early morning." Evadne yawned as she spoke, her eyes bloodshot.

Looking at Nydia, the young girl was fresh and energetic, not showing a hint of tiredness. College students were really something.

Evadne could never maintain that kind of energy.

Emeric sat at one end of the table. His gaze on Evadne was not good and his eyes were dark. It was obvious that he hadn't slept well.

That chair might have never imagined that it would cause Skyrim's richest man to have sleepless nights.

Evadne's mental quality was very strong. She continued to live as usual. The previous night's incident did not affect her.

After all, the gifts had been sent out. As a lady, she would not take back the gifts she had given.

Seeing that the breakfast was almost over, Evadne was about to leave when Emeric spoke up.

"Do you still have that guy in your heart?"

Everyone felt their hearts skip a beat, but Evadne very calmly answered, "No."

"Does that mean you've completely moved on from the shadow of divorce?"

"Emeric, we've known each other for twenty-four years. You can speak directly without beating around the bush." Evadne gracefully picked up the napkin and wiped her lips.

"Alright, I'll cut to the chase. DyLan!"

Emeric called loudly and the chairman's chief secretary, DyLan, walked over quickly, handing him a document to.


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