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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 178

Thaddeus was zoning out in his office, mindlessly clicking through pictures on his computer screen.

The star of these photos was none other than the lovely Evadne, her eyes captivating and bright.

These were shots taken by Gordon while tailing Evadne, initially to gather information. But Evadne was a hard nut to crack, and all he could capture were scenes from her day-to-day life.

Thaddeus was practically drinking in these photos, like if he looked just hard enough, she might come to life. If these were physical photos, he'd probably have stared holes right through them by now.

Just then, his phone buzzed on his desk again and again.

Snapping back to reality, Thaddeus picked up his phone. His heart pounded in his chest as he sprung up from his chair, grabbed his jacket and bolted from the office.

At the barbecue joint.

It had been ages since Evadne last saw Aaron, and they had a lot to catch up on.

After a few drinks, Evadne's gaze grew hazy. She leaned in toward Aaron and asked, "So, when are you gonna hook me up with a sister-in-law?"

"Man, not you too. First Mom and now you, I can't catch a break. My job is tough and dangerous enough as it is, why would I want to marry someone in the same line of work? At least one of us should lead a chill life," Aaron said casually, pouring out Evadne's drink and replacing it with bottled water.

"What's the deal with the men in the Ashbourne family? You're all getting up there in age, yet no one's settling down. No sister-in-law to spoil me, no little nephews or nieces to play with. It's a bummer!" Evadne pouted, clearly unimpressed.

"Aren't you spoiled enough with all your brothers doting on you? Are you sure you want to share us with sister-in-laws?"

"I wish you'd dote on me less! Because of you guys, I didn't even have a boyfriend until after college! Remember in school, you knew I loved chocolate, so you'd buy out all the chocolate from the school store every day and wait for me at the gate. All the boys at school thought you were my boyfriend! Because of you guys, I still haven't had a first love!" Evadne's face was flushed, her anger flaring up with her drunkenness.

"I remember Mom thought I was dating someone because I was buying so much chocolate. She even had someone stop me at the school gate, saying she finally had evidence and that I was in for a good scolding," Aaron recalled, still feeling the sting of the memory.

"I didn't even know that!" Evadne blinked in surprise. "Why didn't you just explain to Mom that you were buying snacks for me?"

"Exams were coming up and Mom had arranged with the principal and my homeroom teacher to keep me focused and not let me get distracted. I was just buying snacks for my sister, but Mom thought I was dating. What a misunderstanding," Aaron grumbled.

"Well, you didn't explain it to her."

"Someone put my photo up for the 'best boy' award at school. I won first place and after that, I was always surrounded by obsessed female fans. My locker was overflowing with gifts and love letters. It was so annoying! Which is why I decided to let Mom handle it, so I could get some peace and quiet."

"Hold up! Are you saying you used me as a shield against all your admirers? Even your own sister?" Evadne raised her eyebrows, lightly tapping his forehead with her finger.

Aaron stuck out his tongue playfully. "All things considered, I don't want to get married. Given my job, anyone who marries me is practically signing up for widowhood. It's too cruel."

"Same here," Evadne agreed.

"You should get married though. That guy who came over to our house last time seemed interested in you. He was staring at you all night. You should consider him."

Aaron leaned in closer and whispered, "But he looked kind of pale, didn't he? Is he sick or something? Our family's loaded, so you need to find someone with good genes who can carry on the Ashbourne line. We can't have someone with health issues. It'll affect your happiness in your later years." Aaron said seriously.

The one with chiseled abs who could go three or four rounds a night had endless stamina, but what good did that do?

He was a ruthless jerk.

"I'd rather they have a physical disability than be morally bankrupt."

Evadne bit her lip, her face growing even redder, probably from shyness or too much alcohol.

Aaron and Evadne left the barbecue joint, with Jason pulling up in the car.

Seeing Evadne, flushed and leaning on Aaron, Jason moved quickly to help her.

"Don't touch her."

Aaron tightened his grip on Evadne's shoulder, forcefully pushing Jason away with his other arm. "I've got this. I don't need your help."

Jason stood there awkwardly, biting his lip.

He knew Aaron had a bias against him, thinking any guy who was too friendly with his sister must be up to no good.

"Aaron, you're overreacting. Jason's not an outsider," Evadne said with a resigned laugh.


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