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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 899

Avery had been hospitalized for treatment for the past two weeks.

With Harvey stepping in to handle the affairs of The Chambers Group, the responsibility of looking after The Velvet Haven had once again fallen into Elsie's hands, despite Avery's reluctance to trust her fully. Yet, even so, Avery's surveillance on her never ceased; except for her basic personal needs, she was under constant watch, practically barred from stepping a foot outside The Velvet Haven.

Trapped, she couldn't retrieve the crucial evidence Tom had hidden away. Without it, Tom's sacrifice would be in vain!

Now, with Avery's enforced downtime presenting a rare opportunity, Elsie was determined to seize it, even if it meant risking it all to get the intelligence they needed.

So tonight, she donned a discreet outfit, hoping to slip out of The Velvet Haven unnoticed.

But as fate would have it, she bumped into Harvey, who had returned to grab something for Avery. The dimly lit corridor suddenly felt oppressively suffocating as their eyes met.

"Ellie, where do you think you're going?" Harvey's gaze was dark, almost predatory, as if a dangerous beast lurked within, ready to pounce.

"I need to get out," Elsie replied, her voice steady despite the cold sweat soaking her clothes.

Her candidness caught Harvey off guard, silencing the prepared reprimand.

"Harvey, I know you and Mr. Chambers don't trust me," Elsie's eyes fluttered, innocence personified as she bit her lip gently, "Tonight, I just wanted to get Mr. Chambers a birthday present, to show my appreciation."

Harvey paused, momentarily forgetting the urgency that had consumed his days. Avery's birthday had almost slipped his mind amidst the chaos.

"These past days, being confined here, I've had a lot of time to think. If it weren't for Mr. Chambers reaching out to me that day, pulling me from my personal hell, I wouldn't be here. And you, Harvey, you've seen me grow from a girl into a woman. You've been a brother to me."

Approaching Harvey, her eyes brimming with tears, she struck a chord within him, awakening a fierce desire to protect her.

"Ellie, knowing you understand makes me so glad," Harvey said, pulling her into a comforting embrace.

Despite winning a measure of Harvey's trust, he wasn't about to give her complete freedom, especially not against Avery's explicit orders. So, for tonight, he decided to accompany her to pick out Avery's gift.

"Harv, I'd love to drive Mr. Chambers' red sports car tonight," Elsie suggested softly, "I haven't driven in so long, I feel like I'm getting rusty. Maybe we could take it for a spin?"

Before Harvey could respond, she added timidly, "If not, it's okay."

"Why not?" Harvey chuckled, ruffling her hair, "Mr. Chambers wouldn't mind you using the Ferrari he got you. It's a gesture of his affection; don't let it go to waste."

With a radiant smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, Elsie drove them in the flashy red car toward the largest antique and jewelry exhibition in Elmsworth, aiming to select a dignified birthday gift for Avery.

She settled on an elegant white jade incense burner, earning praise from the shop owner for her exquisite taste. Just as she was about to pay, Harvey stepped in, nonchalantly dropping a hefty sum without blinking.

The night wore on, with Harvey's watchful eyes never straying far from Elsie, making any attempt at deviation impossible. Yet, her expression remained composed even as her grip on the steering wheel betrayed her inner turmoil.

This was her last chance. If she failed to act now, Avery's return would likely mean her continued confinement, or worse, her quiet removal from Elmsworth altogether.

In the tension-filled silence, a white sedan appeared in the opposing lane, heading straight for them.

Elsie clenched her teeth, made a split-second decision, and, taking advantage of Harvey's momentary distraction, she swung the steering wheel hard and floored the gas pedal—

“Ellie, be careful!”

Harvey's eyes widened in horror as he tried to grab the steering wheel, but it was too late!


A thunderous sound erupted as the Ferrari collided with a white sedan!

The luxury car was wrecked, airbags deploying all around, but thankfully, no one was seriously hurt.

“Ellie! Are you okay? Are you hurt?!” Harvey, drenched in sweat, anxiously checked her condition.

“Ugh. I'm fine.”

Elsie gasped for air, her face as pale as a ghost, looking so fragile that it broke Harvey's heart, “Are you okay? I haven't driven in ages, I'm so sorry.”

“It doesn't matter, as long as you're safe, that's all that matters!”

“You should go check on the other car, we need to deal with this accident, after all.”

“Right! Wait here for me, I'll take you to the hospital in a bit!”

With that, Harvey quickly got out of the car.

The next second, Elsie, fighting through the pain in her body, unbuckled her seatbelt, and while Harvey was talking to the other driver, she stealthily got out of the car, knelt on the ground, and started tremblingly searching for something under the car.


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