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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 898

Harvey frowned deeply as he opened the door to the hospital room.

Outside, stood a nurse he didn't recognize, her hands carefully balancing a tray, a smile playing on her lips:

"Good morning, Mr. Chambers, it's time for your medication. Delaying could worsen your condition."

"You're not the regular nurse." Harvey eyed her cautiously.

"I was transferred here just yesterday, call me Verna. Trista, the nurse before me, was in a car accident. We’re short-staffed,"

Verna reassured him confidently, "Please, you can trust me. I've signed the confidentiality agreement too. I won’t spill a word that shouldn't be spilled."

"Come in then." Harvey stepped aside, his tone cool and detached.

As the nurse entered and placed the tray on the bedside table, just about to reach for Avery, the man coldly interrupted:

"We won't be needing your assistance. My assistant can handle the injections. You may leave."

Verna paused, a bit startled, but complied and left the room.

At this moment, Avery could no longer hold back, his left hand trembling as it grasped his equally shaking right arm, his facial muscles too quivering beyond his control:

"Harvey. I can't take this anymore!"

Harvey, appearing as a deeply concerned father unwilling to see his child suffer, knew the medication was a double-edged sword. Yet, with a heart full of turmoil, he eventually took out the medicine,

After a while, Avery's trembling ceased, and color slowly returned to his pale face.

Harvey sighed, a mix of resignation and frustration coloring his breath.

He was increasingly unable to discern whether the doctor had been Avery's savior or his destroyer.

"Harvey, take this medication to Dr. Green for testing. And, look into this new nurse’s background," Avery's eyes dark and piercing, glanced at the syringe on the tray.

Harvey nodded in understanding, "Yes, Mr. Chambers, I'll see to it right away."

Soon, Harvey returned to the room, his expression visibly lighter:

"Mr. Chambers, the medication is fine. Also, the previous nurse did indeed have a car accident and broke her leg."

"Good, that's reassuring. You can leave now; I need to rest."

Avery closed his eyes, a faint tremor in his throat as he savored the memory of Evadne’s visit, her presence seemingly lingering in the air with a soft, sweet scent.

The medication induced vivid illusions and a strong sense of euphoria, the real reason he couldn't quit it.

It felt as if he was enveloped in the tender embrace of a woman, his beloved Evadne, by his side, caring for him, smiling at him.

"Evadne. I truly love you. You've always lived in my heart, my body, never leaving me."

Even if all she had for him was hatred, he found it satisfying.

The night grew still and silent.

The nurse, having finished her night shift, left the hospital through the back door and got into a nondescript black sedan.

Minutes later, the car stopped in a dark alley.

The nurse quickly got out, looked around, and then hurried into a parked minivan.

"Ms. Evadne!"

Verna was thrilled to finally meet Evadne, her excitement akin to a superfan meeting a celebrity, "Wow. You're even more beautiful in person than on TV! Absolutely angelic! Those darn cameras do you no justice!"


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