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His Not So Beautiful Wife (Book 1) novel Chapter 6

Lockwood Industries

Head office

59th Floor

"Sir these are the records of last week's shipments"

John said handing him over the list with slight fear in his heart.

Ashton Lockwood was a completely unexpected and unpredictable man and this made people fear him.

As Ashton's eyes remain fixed on a name on the list a little longer John gulped his saliva and started to explain.

"Sir they sen-"

A show of hand from Ashton's side made John go back to silence.

"WV Chemicals..... haven't I told you not to deal with them?"

"Yes....Yes...Sir...but they are a very stable party ...they never block our payments and we are in need of liquid cash right now to continue the flow of our working capital..."

John explained but Ashton didn't look impressed.

Instead, Ashton pulled up a chequebook and started writing something on it.

John was ready to plead...he didn't want his last salary...he wanted many more.

He for once knew what will be Ashton's next words.

He was going to fire him for sure.

As soon as Ashton pulled out the check and offered it to him, he was already shaking with fear.

His trembling fingers got hold of the piece of paper and he was going to say his last goodbye to his boss of the last 5 years.

But before he could utter a word his words stopped him.

"$100000....I hope this will be enough to cope up with the present liquidity crises?"

Confused John looked down at the cheque in his hand to see it being a self cheque on Mr Ashton Lockwoods own personal bank account.

His boss was putting in funds into the business from his own personal savings and this made John respect him more.

"But Sir....if even two of our debtors repay us we will be fine...you don't need to do this.."

Ashton was back on his Laptop ignoring John's next words.

It was his past habit of dismissing others by showing his lack of interest in them.

He claimed the title of being Rude and arrogant in his office and associates and you can already guess why.

John decided to keep his mouth shut and leave when he again got an unexpected reply.

"WV Chemicals is associated in illegal activities and I don't want us to be associate with them any further. Demand dues and end our dealings in future."

"Sorry, Sir I didn't know...I will do it immediately."

"And Mr John?"

"Yes Sir?"

"You are in this position because you earned my trust... don't do something that will make me doubt it"

John's face lost colour.

His boss knew of him getting offered a commission by the secretary of WV Chemicals.

He knew about it all along but he didn't show it.

Thank God he didn't accept their offer till now otherwise no one could save him.

Now he knew WV Chemicals were not only playing a dirty game by bribing him but we're also involved in illegal activities.

He will cut his ties with the.

"Y..es..sir....I will never"

Ashton's eyes locked with his for a second and John stared back with promise and truth in his eyes.

Ashton nodded in approval and got back to his work.

John rushed out of the room to calm the raging storm in his heart which his boss has managed to unleash with a mere stare and few truthful words.


Ananda stood in front of him with her short pencil skirt displaying her long toned legs.

Her blonde hair was styled to perfection as always and the bright red lipstick on pouting lips was surely suggesting something.

Not to forget the way her fingers were playing with her blouses top button and her eyes giving him those seductive glares.

"Who let you in? You can't just walk in like you own this damn place!!"

"Oh come on Ash !! I used to come here every day and we used to enjoy here in this room every night "

Ashton was getting irritated, can't this woman understand that he is a married man now.

"I know your boring wife can never give you what I offer you right now...so..?? You in?"

"Listen, Amanda, we just had a fling and it was over 2 years back!! Why are you so damn persistent!!"

"Ash, please....I miss you so much...I never met a man like you before"

She was moving towards him playing her dirty tricks like she usually does.

Playing with the collar of his suit with her manicured nails she continued.

"Just once more and you will realise how much you miss me...!! Please Ash just one chance!!"

To her surprise, within seconds she was pushed back on the glass mirror overlooking the city.

His large hands held onto her jaw roughly as her back collided with the glass wall.

All her playful attitude got replaced by sheer fear as her eyes met his cold ones.

His grip on her jaw was painful showing he was in no mood to play.

"I am a married man now Miss Amanda Claire.No matter how good of a Fu** you were I would never cheat on my wife!!

Do you get it!!?"

She nodded as the first tear of rejection left her eyes.

She knew she was being selfish and childish to demand something like this from him but she had to give it a try.

She should not have forgotten how strong the foundation of his morals was.

"I asked do you understand this Amanda!!"

"Y..es Ash....I mean Ashton ..I understand."

He pulled back from her and she frantically searched for her bag to hurry out of his office.

"You belong to a reputed family Amanda.....refrain from doing something like this next time...I would hate to tarnish the image of women in society."

She gulped as she understood his underlying embedded threat.

He can behave like a shrewd businessman if required and she knew this really well.

"I apologize for today...it won't happen next time."

Loyalty and doubts 1

Loyalty and doubts 2


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