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His Not So Beautiful Wife (Book 1) novel Chapter 7

"His silence was accusing and she desperately wanted to break it into million truths."

He stood behind her with an expression that made her avoid his eye contact.

It was not anger.

Anger was still an emotion but his face lacked any kind of emotion.

She felt the temperature fall drastically as a sudden blanket of coldness numbed her chaotic mind.

He was waiting for her reply but the poor soul was already shuddering under his cold exterior.

"I....I...was .... with....a frie..nd.."

She said avoiding his eye contact and focusing on his shoes which took a step forward.

He stood close to her making her hold her breath.

His cologne was playing with her innocence heart and she couldn't control this new feeling from evading her senses.

As soon as his heavenly breath fell near her lips she looked up wide-eyed to see his gaze already fixed on her eyes.

"Do you smoke my dear wife?"

His question made her freeze with fear...why was he asking her such a question.

Then she remembered the smell which must be engulfing her because of the environment from where she came.

"N...No......I don't...."

"Oh really? I guess then there is only one way to verify it."

She looked up again at him perplexed to see his eyes fixed on her lips.

Before she could understand what he meant his one hand had already taken hold of her neck and pulled her forward.

Not expecting she landed straight on his chest as his thumb caressed her cheek with a kind of gentleness that she never experienced.

She knew what he was going to do now.

The taste of her lips was a testimony of her truth but she hated feeling so vulnerable in his hands.

The hidden fierceness in her has found its spark and now it was going to enlighten into a fire.

Her first kiss was not going to be spent proving her innocence.

She will fight.

When his lips were just an inch away and her body was tempting her to take a step forward she found her morals make her place a firm hand on his chest and push him back.

His grip on her neck loosened as he looked taken back for a second.

The rejection was never experienced by him before and he never expected a face like her to reject him.

"I can..'t...I don't need to prove it to you !! You either trust me or you don't!! It's up to you and I don't care!!.."

Her face was flushing with blood and her lips looked tempting as she bit them to hide her nervousness.

He had to close his eyes to control himself from doing something he will regret later.

But he couldn't show just how disappointed he was with her.

He wanted to punish her for lying to him, for stopping him from finding the truth

and especially for throwing a bucket of cold ice on his heated feelings.

But he couldn't.

His hands have found something which she didn't know he had.

When he had gripped her neck his other hand had already slid to her sides to come across something he never expected.

He just couldn't believe his innocent-looking wife would be involved with something so inappropriate.

And this was what made him disappointed in her.

He wanted explanations to give her justice but he couldn't afford to do it right now.

His anger was getting on the surface and he needed to control it before he did or said something wrong.

She was already shaking with a mixture of emotions and he decided to end her turmoil.

Grabbing her hand he opened her palm to place the packet back in her hands.

"Enjoy your night"

And with this, he had turned on his heel to end the discussion.

Confused she looked down to her open palms to be met with the packet of drugs.

Her whole world rotated at 180° then and there.

She had to hold onto the railing behind her to control the sudden attack her innocent little heart had felt.

She wanted to run behind him and scream her innocence but couldn't.

What will she say?

She can't tell him about Rose.

Tears of frustration rolled down her eyes as she regretted her words of saying her not caring what he thought of her.

She definitely cared what he thought of her.

Instead, she only cared for what he thought of her

He was her world now and she managed to choke it with her own words.

It would have been better if he would have kissed her she thought.

At least he would have trusted her.

Sliding down the railing she sat on the steps as tears kept running out of her ducts.

Why couldn't anyone love her?

Why was she such a disgrace?

Why she always had to be stupid enough to ruin everything.

His silence had pushed her into a deeper sense of pain and she couldn't help drowning in it till someone saved her.

Her eyes fell on the packet in front of her and for a second she thought of eating it and ending this life.

Breaking silence 1


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