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His Not So Beautiful Wife (Book 1) novel Chapter 9

Cameron and Mason stared at their friends face as he was drowning himself in glasses of whiskey

"Come on man...stop it!! It's your 8 th glass dammit!!"

Cam said holding onto Ashton's glass.

Mason placed a hand on his shoulder as Ashton held his head with one hand.

"What's wrong Ashton? Did Elle did something?"

His friend looked up with his red eyes.

"Did something you ask? !! Her very existence irritated me!! Her words...her smile. I behave like a fuc*** horny teenager around her!!

Mason sighed and filled Ashton's glass with water.

"I hope you didn't say anything to Elle?"

Cam asked concerned for Elle who he considered as his little sister.

"I can't control myself around her?! She is testing my limits every time but I can't fuc**** afford to even say a single word to her!"

Mason laughed and Ashton glared at him.

"I am sorry man it's just....I can believe Ashton Lockwood could behave like this and that also because of a simple girl!"

"I thought you would die for some actress from the pages of these magazines!!"

"You are right Mason....even I never imagined something so simple to intrigue me.."

And for once there was a small smile on Ashton's lips.

"Love can't be planned guys...it just happens..."         cam said

"I don't love her Cam ....stop with this teasing!"

Ashton said getting irritated

"Oh really ...are you sure lover boy?"

"Stop talking rubbish....she is just my wife and I give her respect and care she deserves.

Love will never come to happen between us. She is too boring for my love."

"So you mean to say you will never love a girl in your life?"

Mason asked.

"Of course I will ...it will just not be her"

He said putting himself another glass of drink.

"You can't cheat on her Ash!!"

Cam said with disappointment and anger

"Who said I will cheat on her? ...I will just find someone else after I divorce her"

"I know you want this marriage arrangement for just one year but wouldn't this be unfair for Elle? I mean she thinks you will never leave her ....at least you should have told her..."

"Told her and then what? Risk losing my entire lineage I eaned working my ass off day and night for 7 years!!? No, I can't!!"

"You are such a jerk, Ashton!! Playing with innocent girls feelings and all..."Cam said glaring at him.

"I know I regret touching her....I shouldn't give her any hope....and I fuc**** hate myself for it.!!"

"It's not too late...just tell her about this and she may understand."

"She will not understand Mason....she will pick her bags and leave my house the very next day...she has very high morals"

"And I like it so damn much...I mean where do you find girls like those these days"

Cam said making Ashton glare at him.

"You can't like any damn thing about her till she is my fuc**** wife!! Do you get it ...brother, or not!!"

Ashton said suddenly getting angry by someone else liking his wife.

"Calm down man!! What the hell is wrong with you!! I was just appreciating her!"

Cam said trying to calm him down.

"You don't love her but you are madly possessive about her. I can see where this is going"

Mason said while Ashton continues to gulp his drink down.

He refused to reply and instead kept staring at the drink in his glass.

"You guys already know me....I would never settle at something that doesn't match my standards. She can never match them and she has to leave sooner or later.....if it wasn't because of that stupid clause I would have never married her."

Sam ignored his friend's egoistic attitude while Mason just sighed.

"She is innocent Ash...just don't break her heart"

"I would never hurt her guys... I hate watching her cry myself....I just want her to leave me to my freedom...it would be better if she left me than vice versa...she must never fall for a person like me."

"A person who has been called just one thing all his college life"

And both Mason and Cam replied together with defeat.

"A heartbreaker"


"You should have told me, Elle!! Mom and Dad are worried sick about her and you are telling me now!!"

Thomas's angry and accusing voice her go silent.

He can never talk with her politely.

Sometimes she feels he only cared for Rose as his sister.

Like now after 2 weeks of her marriage, he had called her and Elle was for once happy to see someone from back home miss her.

But little to her happiness he had started shouting on her because of her not telling anyone where Rose was.

"I thought she would come back next day brother...I...I didn't expect her not to tell you.."

"Elle for god sake try to be a bit responsible once in your life!! Even if she didn't tell you could have told me!!"


"Just shut it now!! I have surgery in 30 minutes...I don't want to waste my time arguing with you!"

"But brot-"

The call was cut before she could even complete her sentence.

A wave of sadness washed over her as she realised no one from back home missed her.

Her mom, dad no one has called her as if they were happy to be relieved of her presence.

Clutching the phone to her chest she was watching the driveway waiting for the only person she thought cared a little bit for her.

A few hours later a car honked and she identified it to be Ashton's favourite cars horn.

Before he could ring the bell she had already opened the door with a wide smile on her face.

"You got so late today!! I was waiting for you!!"

He didn't reply instead he didn't even look at her.

Shrugging past her through the doorframe he made his way inside with her following his leads.

"I have made your favourite lasagna...I'll hear i-"

"No need I have had my dinner"

Her face fell as she had spent 3 hours preparing it for him.

He was not looking at her and his behaviour felt weird today.

Normally he was cold but today he seemed numb.

His eyes were a bit red and she could smell alcohol.

Only one thing confused her and that were his reasons.

His hidden depths 1


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