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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 

Holding a tray with fresh fruit, Sarah seemed to catch wind of some juicy gossip and quickly shuffled to a more secluded spot. 

With her face taut with frustration, Leanne spun on her heel to leave, but Curtis had a firm grip on her arm. She tried to wrench it free, but he stood calmly, watching her futile. attempts to shake him off like a chick tethered by the foot. 

After several failed attempts to escape his grasp, the passersby in the hallway began to 

take notice. 

She glared up at him, exasperation clear in her voice. “Can you not make a scene here?” 

“I’m only holding onto you. It’s you who’s making a fuss,” Curtis countered, leaving no room for negotiation. “Let’s eat first and then you can go wherever you want.” 

“Mary’s asleep. Let’s not disturb her.” 

“Then we’ll go to the hospital cafeteria.” 

Leanne looked at him incredulously. “Are you afraid the whole hospital isn’t watching?” 

A few seconds of silence passed as Curtis met her resistant gaze, and then he reluctantly shoved a bag into her hands and let go. 

“Fine. Go eat by yourself.” 

Leanne didn’t want to waste another moment arguing. She took the bag and left. 

Curtis watched her walk away. She was always pristine in her hospital uniform, her hair tied back with a black elastic band. From behind, he could see the graceful curve of her 

neck and the fair skin of her ears. 

She walked with a determined stride and soon disappeared around the corner, not once looking back. 

Clutching the bag, Leanne returned to the ophthalmology department. 

The bag bore the logo of a nearby famous restaurant. Inside were all her favorite dishes. 

Drawn by the aroma, Amy leaned in eagerly. “Those crab cakes smell amazing. Wonder how they taste.” 


Without hesitation, Leanne handed her a spare fork. “Amy, no need to beat around the bush.” 

Amy giggled, holding her fork triumphantly. “Anne, you truly are the best!” 

She picked up a crab cake, and as she chewed she hummed with satisfaction, “Delicious!” 


ter 146 

The crab cakes were delightful with generous fillings, and the crab bisque was rich and 


As Leanne continued to eat, Amy piped up, “Heard someone handsome was looking for you at lunch. Who was it?” 

Leanne looked up to meet Amy’s curious gaze. 

Amy continued earnestly, “The head nurse mentioned it. She saw it and said he was a dreamboat, a dashing hunk…” She trailed off, feeling something was off. “No, wait. A handsome… never mind.” 

Donna couldn’t resist interrupting from behind her computer, “How on earth did you ever get into medical school?” 

“Just someone asking for directions,” Leanne fibbed. 

“Someone asking for directions was holding hands with you in public?” Amy’s voice rose in disbelief, “Come on, spill it. Is he chasing after you?” 

Leanne had finished her meal, closing the lunch box. “You’re overthinking it. Even if Cupid came calling, he wouldn’t be after me.” 


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