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Hold My Tear, I’m Getting My Wife Back! ( Leanne Castillo ) novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147 

Leanne sighed, “I can never pin down when I’ll get off work, Mary. Don’t wait for me.” 

“That’s non-negotiable,” Mary retorted with a twinkle in her eye, “I need to share a meal with you to enjoy my food.” 

In the days that followed, like clockwork, Mary showed up every noon, waiting to have lunch with Leanne. She’d pop into the ophthalmology clinic under pretense and occasionally joined Sarah who’d drop by with some afternoon tea treats. But Leanne, ever the busy bee, couldn’t always break away for a chat. 

Leanne was running late that particular evening. When she finally made it to Mary’s ward, she stumbled upon the Richardson brothers, Curtis and Phillip, amid a gentle argument. 

Phillip was trying to reason with Mary. “The doctor said you’re stable and can go home.” 

you ‘high’ 

“I’m not going anywhere,” Mary huffed, “Who says I’m stable? Just wait. I’ll show in a moment.” 

“Playing hooky, aren’t you?” Curtis interrupted with a smirk, “You’re all better, and you won’t go home? Why squat here at the hospital?” 

“I’m perfectly fine here. Why should I leave?” Mary grumbled, “Is it the hospital bill? Are you boys really that stingy?” 

Phillip looked helplessly resigned. 

Curtis clicked his tongue. “What’s the deal? Have you secretly bought shares in the hospital? Or is it that old gent from next door who keeps chatting you up?” 

Feigning outrage, Mary snatched a grape from the nearby fruit bowl and lobbed it at him. “Take that, you rascal!” 

Curtis caught the grape effortlessly and popped it into his mouth. “Careful, or Grandpa might haunt you in your dreams tonight.” 

Mary’s hand wavered, threatening to launch the entire bowl. 

Right then, Leanne appeared at the door. In a heartbeat, Mary’s scowl transformed into a sweet smile. “Want a grape, dear? They’re as sweet as summer.” 

Leanne stepped in and nodded at Phillip, “Hey, Phillip.” 

Phillip tipped his head in acknowledgment. 

With mock indignation, Curtis huffed, “He’s the only one you can see, huh? When did I become invisible?” 

Leanne ignored him and took a grape from the bowl Mary was holding, tasting it. “They’re sweet,” she commented casually. 



Chapter 14/ 

After setting the bowl down, she advised, “You should head home now that you’re better. The hospital’s a breeding ground for germs and the flu’s spreading. Even some of the doctors have caught it.” 

Leanne’s single sentence weighed more than the brothers’ many words. 

Once Sarah finished packing, Mary and Phillip headed towards the car. Leanne waved them goodbye before turning to leave. 

Curtis lingered behind, the night’s inky darkness cloaking him. He watched Leanne. His gaze was unfocused yet tracking her every move. 

“I’ll drive you,” Curtis offered. 

Leanne began to refuse, but he cut her off with a lazy glance. “Say no, and I’ll call Grandma to return and talk to you.” 

“You’re impossible.” 

Curtis just shrugged, content to play chauffeur 

It was dark, and Leanne felt a flicker of fear, especially with the recent ordeal involving Derek still fresh in her memory. 

They walked toward the parking lot silently, Curtis trailing behind, unhurried. 


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