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I Kissed My Professor And He Liked It novel Chapter 323

Third Person POV

“And how is our patient doing this afternoon?” Jazzy asked as she walked through the doors of the infirmary.

Sarah lay in the bed, peering over at Jazzy with large and alarmed eyes. Her father sat at her bedside. Sarah had been in the infirmary for the past 24 hours and she was looking a lot sicker than she had when she first arrived.

Her face was pale, and she had dark circles under her eyes. She also lost a significant amount of weight and she overall looked utterly exhausted. Jazzy thought she looked close to death, but she wasn’t going to let this girl die until the ritual.

“Why can’t I go home?” Sarah asked, peering up at her father. “I want to leave.”

“I told you already. You can’t leave until we cure you of this terrible curse,” he explained to her.

“I’ve had this curse my entire life; there is no cure,” she murmured. “I’m tired and I can’t sleep here.”

“You’ve had this curse your entire life because you haven’t known me,” Jazzy said, folding her arms across her chest. “I can cure you. But we can’t do anything until tonight. Then, you’ll be cured, and you’ll be able to leave here.”

She sighed and leaned back in her bed.

“I miss my friends…” she whispered, staring down at her hands. “I miss….” Her voice trailed off and Jazzy found herself curious as to what she was about to say, but she seemed to have stopped herself.

She glanced at her father who was also staring at her with narrowed eyes, no doubt also wondering what she was about to say. Sarah’s cheeks turned a light pink shade and then she averted her eyes.

“You will be cured soon, and you will no longer have to suffer,” Alpha Jonathan assured her. “Just rest easy.”

She sighed, but she didn’t say anything more.

“Your vitals are good for right now,” Hannah said gently as she stared at the monitors. “I’ll give you some more fluids though, just to keep your energy up.”

“Okay…” Sarah murmured.

“I should check on my other patient as well,” Jazzy said, turning away. “If you need me, call for me.”

She walked out of the infirmary and into the hall that connected the infirmary to the rest of the clinic, which led to the basement where they were keeping Ella hostage. As she began to walk through the clinic, she heard familiar voices coming from the stairs and they were getting louder.

She froze as two rogues burst through the doors. They were both shaking and looked as if they had seen a ghost. They were holding what looked to be a gun, but it was clear to Jazzy right away that it was a syringe gun.

She furrowed her brows together as she stared up at the rogues who had just noticed her standing before them.

“Miss Jasmine,” one of the rogues said, bowing to her very presence. “We didn’t see you there.”

“H…hi…” the other one stammered, his tone shaky and pathetic.

Jazzy rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.

“Why do you look like you’ve seen ghosts?” She asked, staring between the two of them. “Shouldn’t you be on guard duty downstairs?”

They both looked at one another before looking back at Jazzy, who was impatiently waiting for their response.

“Well?” She urged when neither of them spoke.

“That Volana you made us watch almost escaped,” The one holding the gun explained in a rush. “She went crazy!”

Jazzy raised her brows.

“What the hell do you mean she went crazy?”

“She kept going on and on about killing us and how this cage can't hold her. She also said wolfbane isn’t strong enough to sedate a true Volana…” the other one said, his tone much softer and weaker.

Jazzy furrowed her brows together, confused, as she glanced at the syringe gun.

“Did you not sedate her with wolfsbane?” Jazzy asked.

They both shook their heads and the one holding the gun, rose it so Jazzy could see the label on the tube.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s Starlight.”

Before Jazzy could say anything, another voice sounded from behind them.

“Did you just say Starlight?” Hannah asked, staring wide-eyed at the rogues.

They both nodded at the same time and Hannah staggered backwards in shock.

“Oh, goddess, no!!!” Hannah screeched.

Before Jazzy could ask what had gotten into her, Hannah was running quickly past them all, shoving past the rogues and through the doors that led down the narrow stairs. Jazzy didn’t waste any time rushing after Hannah.


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