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In His World, I Belong novel THE BROKEN SOUL

“Alpha, Mario left the pack with your sister.” Kayden reported.

“What? Why would he do that? Call everyone. Follow him. We need to get my sister back.” I said.

Melissa is only twelve years old. I can’t let them take her away even he claimed that they are mate.

Mario and I are best friend. We grew up together. Everyone thought that he will be my Beta but I chose Kayden instead. Kayden possess the character of being a beta. I can’t make decisions base of our friendship only. One day I found out that he talks some of the pack members and asked them to support him to become Alpha. I thought that I can make him my third in command. He is good at training people and he is a great tracker.

I talk to him and asked why he wanted to challenge me as an Alpha? He knows he can’t win. He told me that he’s tired being the third in command. He has every right to challenge me in the title. I refused because I don’t want to hurt him but he attacked me.

We fight until I made him surrender. He just came out of jail the other day and he told me he was Melissa's mate. I didn’t believe him and I told him to wait a few more years because Melissa’s still young. I thought our conversation went well but I was wrong. He kidnapped my sister. I can't forgive him this time. Whether Melissa is her mate or not, if something bad happens to my sister I will kill him.

‘Kayden, what is the status? Where are they.’ I ask through mind-link.

‘Alpha, you should hurry up. We are at the south border. We found Mario and Melissa but he has many rogues protecting then.’ Kayden reported.

‘Rouges? How come the rogues protecting him?’ I ask confuse.

‘We don’t know Alpha. They call him Alpha too. I think that he makes an alliance with the rogues. They are following him.’

‘I’m almost there. Don’t attack till I say so. My sister’s life is in danger.’ I said.

I arrive and saw almost twenty rogues all together. At the back I saw my sister with Mario. When she sees me, she tried to run to me but Mario grab him in the arms.

“Mario! Let go of my sister. don’t use her to get to me. Fight me instead.” I shouted.

“I told you, Melissa is my mate. She will come with me.” Mario answers.

“She’s too young. I told you to wait till she’s in the right age. She’s only twelve for god’s sake!”

“Mark help me! I don’t want him. He hurts me.” Melissa shouted. I saw Mario got hurt in her words. He’s really her mate.

“Melissa listen to me, don’t fight him. Mario is your mate.”

“But I don’t like him. He is bad. He kidnapped me. I rejected him.” Melissa said.

She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Mario might hurt her if she continues to fight him. I see Mario’s eyes, it changes. He’s mad.

“Mario! She doesn’t know what she’s saying. Calm down.”

‘Kayden be ready. Mario might hurt Melissa. If he moves, we will attack them.’ I ordered through our pack link.

“You are just like your brother. You choose other over me. I should be the beta but he makes me his third in command. Now, my mate rejecting me too.” Mario says.

My heart beats fast as I saw Mario’s claw elongating. “Kayden move.”

I move quickly but stopped my trance when I a sweet scent hit my nose. I look around to see a rogue girl standing near Mario and stares at me also. Mate! We both said.

Mario hear it and in just move his claws moves to my mate heart. A painful growl escapes my mouth as my mate died.

“What a lucky day. Now to make this even better you will lose two important girls in your life.” Mario says. I look at him move to my siter.

“Mario stop! She’s your mate. Don’t do this.” I plea.

“So what? She rejected me already. I don’t need her anyway.” Mario says. He looks livid and out of mind. I wonder what makes him this way. It’s like he is not the Mario I know. I move quickly but the rogues block my way. I try to get to her in time. I teleport even if it will make me weak but it’s too late. Mario claw my sisters’ heart and I see her small lifeless body falls in the ground. An earth-shaking roar escape my mouth. All I can see now is red. I want blood. A lot of blood. I just lost my sister and mate life today. I can’t think straight. I shift to my wolf and kill anyone in my way. My pack members move away, afraid that I kill them. I am now out of control. My animal instincts kicks in.


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