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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142 

Whitney’s hands were clenched so tightly that beads of cold sweat trickled down her skin

Her heart grew colder inch by inch, as if wrapped in frost

Keegan wheeled over to her, pushing her out of the Valentine mansion. His gaze was piercing into her shamefilled veins like needles. Whitney, the Surelia District mining maps fed the Imperial Gem Corporation, catapulting it to greatness and spawning United Realty. But the irony of it is that you married him!” 

She crumpled to the floor, her eyes brimming with tears

Could it really be him

Her mother and grandfather had died such horrific deaths, and her uncle had lived in such hardship

Clutching her aching heart, Whitney looked up in confusion, pulling out the executive name tag and the black card that L had given her. But uncle, you said he was behind my mom and grandpa’s death. Then why does he keep me close? He let me into United Realty and gave me a black card with no limitshouldn’t he be wary of me?” 

Keegan’s chest heaved with fury as he swept the card from her hands onto the ground. Do you know Ludwik’s tricks? He’s got you falling for him! With these perks, could you ever leave him with your pride intact? When he met me today, he acted like nothing was amiss, probably thinking I was clueless about the past. He’s been spinning you around with a mask! Open your eyes and see the truth! Otherwise, you’re betraying your mother and grandfather!” 

Whitney’s mind reeled, and she slowly collapsed to the ground. Her heart was drowning in anguish

She had met Ludwik, carried his child, married him, and even fallen in love with him

Why was fate mocking her

She thought she had defeated Elaine, that she and L had finally developed a relationship, that they were finally finding happiness

But the harsh slap of truth followed swiftly

Her grandfather’s contact book was with Ludwik’s name. Her uncle said his mask had pierced her grandfather’s heart, that the Imperial Gem Corporation had used her grandfather’s Surelia District mining maps to build its empire

She found it impossible to find excuses for him anymore

Imperial Gem Corporation and Skye Gem Ltd.’s past was not just business competition

It was blood vengeanceher mother and grandfather had died with eyes wide open

I know it’s hard to accept, but you need to pull yourself together. I came back to exact revenge 

Chapter 142 

on Ludwik! I just didn’t expect to find youby his side,Keegan said, gripping her hand, his eyes cold and sarcastic as he glanced at her swelling belly. “But family vengeance cannot be forgotten! You must cut ties with him completely and stand by me!” 

Whitney felt shattered by his words, her heart sliced open, tears clouding her vision

Realizing she was close to breaking, Keegan softened his tone. You must be tired. Go home and have a rest. But don’t alert him and don’t expose me. The day after tomorrow is your mother and grandfather’s memorial. You should come, and we’ll talk more then.” 

Whitney nodded. “Uncle, but you don’t have a place to stay.” 

I’ve bought an apartment before coming back. I have a small company overseas, and I’ve relocated it here,Keegan managed a wry smile. As for your cousin, I left her abroad.” 

Hearing that her uncle had a daughter gave Whitney a glimmer of solace. Aunt is taking care of her, right?” 

Keegan’s expression darkened, his smile turning into a scornful one. Your aunt ran off long ago. In my condition, what woman would stay? I raised your cousin alone.” 

Whitney gasped, her heart aching as if torn asunder

Her uncle’s life had been bitter, but who was to blame

She dared not continue that thought, her fingertips trembling as she left her uncle’s apartment, her face pale as death


Inside the apartment, Keegan watched Whitney’s retreating figure and made a phone call

The man on the other end had a devilish tone. How’s the first day back home, Mr. Tennyson?” 

Orion, there’s been a complication,Keegan’s voice was heavy. My niece, Whitney, the one you saw at the airport, she’s right by Ludwik’s side.” 

Oh?The man feigned surprise, then chuckled darkly. “But Mr. Tennyson, is that really such a bad thing?” 

Keegan frowned, his thoughts shifting, his eyes revealing a sinister resolve. Whitney being with Ludwik might not be bad after all. In fact-” 

Congratulations, Mr. Tennyson. You’ve got an insider. What’s a little pain for your niece if it means avenging your family and reclaiming what’s yours?the man hummed

A cold, obsessive light flickered in Keegan’s vengeful eyes. Yes, indeed. Thanks for the advice.” 

I’ll support you. Pleasure doing business with you,the man said before hanging up

Whitney returned to the villa, a place she had secretly dubbed House of Lovejust a fortnight 


Chapter 142 


Love had just sprouted, and as tangible as it had become, fate handed her a cruel joke

The sweetness of before was now the ultimate irony

She stared blankly at the sudden snowfall outside her window, wishing for a moment that she could dissolve into snowflakes, to avoid the pain, the conflict, the doubt, and the inevitable despair

Seeing her return with snow on her shoulders, Taryn was horrified and hurried to fetch a towel. Ma’am, why didn’t you use an umbrella?” 

But Whitney, pale as a ghost, ascended the stairs and locked herself in her room with a heavy thud

Late into the night, Ludwik returned

His overcoat was covered with snowflakes, which he brushed away gently

This was the first snowfall of the winter, and also the first since he had met her. Maybe in the morning, he could hold her and enjoy the snowfall together

The weariness etched in his brow eased slightly, though his brow remained furrowed. Donning his silver mask, he pushed open the bedroom door


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