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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

It was Uncle’s assistant, Ms. Valentine, I’ve picked up the herbs, but you’ll need to mix the doses.” 

Whitney hurried back to her apartment

Keegan was awake now

She spent an hour preparing the concoction and handed it to Keegan to drink, and his complexion improved slightly. He then gestured for her to stay. You’ve been running around all day for me, Whitney. Stay for dinner. I can whip up a couple of my specialties.” 

But Uncle, you really shouldn’t be cooking in your condition,Whitney said with a smile, seeing he seemed in better spirits

Don’t underestimate me. Go take a nap and just wait for a good meal,” Keegan said as he wheeled himself into the kitchen

Unable to refuse such a warm offer, Whitney obliged and soon dozed off in the guest room, exhausted from the previous night’s work on a crucial business proposal

She overslept. When she awoke, it was past seven in the evening. Had Keegan been cooking all this time

Whitney stepped out, puzzled not to find Keegan or his assistant in the kitchen. A murmur of a phone conversation drifted from outside

Was her uncle out for a walk

Feeling relieved, Whitney was about to step out to look for him when something caught her eyea familiar white binder under the bookshelf by the door

She had no intention of snooping through Keegan’s things, but that binder was unmistakably familiar. With a frown and a sense of foreboding, Whitney went over and pulled it out

Opening it, she froze in shock

Her face drained of color

It was her business proposal, unmistakable because of her detailed notes on the title page and the indentations from her own touch

But the one she took out of her bag earlier that afternoon had looked exactly the same on the outside

Exactly the same

Whitney’s mind raced as her face turned ashen

She had given the proposal to Felix, who had rushed to catch a flight. She had not checked it since, and the bag had been zipped up and with her the entire time



Chapter 149 

No, she remembered being so tired at noon that she had dozed off

A chill ran through her as she opened the door to confront Keegan

Keegan sat in his wheelchair on the porch, ending his call as she burst out. His expression was dark and icy

Uncle, why is my proposal in your bookshelf?Whitney demanded from the top of the steps, feeling the distance between them grow, although he was right there

You swapped the proposal in my bag, didn’t you, Uncle?Her voice was tight, her face cold

I asked you about the hotel project, and you lied to me, Whitney!Keegan shot back, his tone icy. For Ludwik? You have truly disappointed me.” 

I just didn’t want you to go to extremes out of madness, to seek revenge. What did you replace in the proposal?” 

Her eyes, sharp and cold, betrayed her inner turmoil

It had to be the details she wrote. It was evening now; Ludwik had left in the afternoon. If he did not know about Braxton’s history of strokes and met with him tonight, Ludwik could be in trouble

Checking the time, it was nearly eight

Keegan had ensured she slept until now to prevent her from contacting Ludwik or Felix

Even if she tried to stop what was happening, it would be too late now

Uncle, you’ve manipulated and deceived me, using me and making me compete for the bid as a front. Your target has always been the proposal! This kind of scheming is despicable! By doing such things, how are you any different from the way he plundered and harmed you back 


I know you want revenge, to take back the Tennyson family’s property, but we could investigate the past and let the law punish him, not like this” 

Keegan interrupted her with a cold laugh, Was he not despicable when he harmed my sister and father? Now, you expect me to be fair to him? Ridiculous! I will take back the Tennyson family’s estate. I was born a billionaire’s heir, and I’m tired of living like a beggar these past ten years!” 

Whitney stepped back, her scalp tingling. This Keegan felt like a stranger to her

What did he care about more: his vengeance or reclaiming the family estate

There was no time to ponder; Ludwik was in danger

Whitney’s eyes were icy as she pulled out her phone to call Felix, rushing to hail a cab on the 


Whitney, come back! It’s too late even if you go now!Keegan scoffed in anger


Chapter 149 

His phone was still connected, the voice on the other end chuckling darkly, Ludwik has been with Braxton for a while now. Mr. Tennyson, you’ve done well. With the proposal messed up, he’d never suspect that his beloved would cause his downfall.” 

Keegan’s heart steadied; the night’s outcome was sealed

Boss, congratulations in advance.” 

Heh.The man laughed before hanging up

Whitney raced to the airport, incessantly calling Felix and Ludwik

But they were not picking up

She knew they must be with Braxton now

Without knowledge of Braxton’s condition, if Ludwik spoke for too long, there would certainly be trouble

The flight to South City took three hours. Every second was torture for Whitney

When she arrived close to midnight, she switched on her phone to devastating news: Braxton had had an incident

After a lengthy latenight discussion, Braxton suffered another stroke and was rushed to the hospital

The Tarrington family was enraged, suspecting the CEO of United Realty Corporation had had an altercation with Braxton, and they had called the police

The news showed a picture of Ludwik being taken away in a police car


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