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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

Her heart shattered like a delicate wine glass dropped on a stone floor, and she could barely muster the strength to keep her trembling fingers still

He cradled the back of her head, wishing he could merge her into his very being. If it were not for the child they were expecting, he would have pinned her down and never let go

Whitney felt the storm raging within him, and her tears cascaded down her cheeks, glistening like pearls, tapping softly against his skin

Her small hands clenched into fists against his chest and neck, only to unfurl, powerlessly relaxing… 

Eyes closed, she mourned silently, Mom, Grandpa, forgive me for this betrayal, this shame. It’s the last time, I swear. MaybeMaybe it’s all a mistake? Maybe it’s not him?” 

Soon, the fever and the drunken haze pulled him into the void, and his lips loosened

Whitney slumped next to the bed, her mind a whirlwind. She hastily rummaged through her bag and pulled out her grandfather’s contact book

Skimming through it desperately, she stumbled upon a torn page with a single name: Bartels


The following pages were all missing

If her grandpa 

pa had not torn them out, then who did, and why were the pages with Ludwik’s name still intact

A memory flashed in her mind of her uncle mentioning that before coming to Banyan City, her Grandpa had been pushed out of the medical field by unscrupulous competition

The only Bartels she knew was Elaine, and the Bartels were a dynasty in the medical field of Emperor City

Could it be a coincidence? Was it the Bartels who forced her Grandpa to leave, leading him to Banyan City

As her head spun with these thoughts, Whitney suddenly considered that maybe the name Ludwik in the address book was a red herring

She looked up at the feverish man before her, her heart pounding on hot coals. Ludwik, it wasn’t She whispered hoarsely, clutching the ring in her hand as everything began to heat up


was it?” 

Downstairs, Natalie was relieved to see Whitney had not come down. But as dizziness took hold of her, Taryn suggested they call the family doctor to stay with her

Just then, the house phone rang. Taryn answered it and hesitated before speaking, Ms. Natalie, it’s Ms. Elaine. She wants to visit for New Year’s Eve. Shall I invite her?” 

Natalie frowned, the thought of that girl sending shivers down her spine, and fear bloomed within her

With Ludwik and Whitney upstairs, she shook her head. Decline her. Tell her we’re having a family reunion.” 

Taryn relayed the message as asked

Halfway to the mansion, Elaine’s face fell when her assistant relayed Taryn’s words. She had planned to use this New Year’s Eve to get closer to Ludwik, especially since Whitney would not be back because of her blunder with the company’s project. It would be the perfect opportunity to get closer to Ludwik

However, hearing what her assistant had said, her fingers clutched with resentment. What? A family reunion? No way Ludwik called Whitney back.” 

It had to be Natalie

Resentment boiled within Elaine as she gritted her teeth. She had not even returned to Emperor City because 



Chapter 15 

she wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate New Year’s Eve with Ludwik. Yet, Natalle was way too protective over Whitney, which was getting on Elaine’s nerves

With Natalie in the picture, Elaine was almost certain she would not be able to achieve her goal. Her eyes narrowed with malicious intent

Turn back!She snapped. Even if they’re having their socalled reunion, it will be their lastShe snickered as if certain of Whitney’s doom

At 5 am, close to dawn, Ludwik finally opened his eyes, still feverish and dizzy from the alcohol. His throat felt scorched, but he caught sight of the soft figure slumped by his bedside who seemed to be sleeping 

Despite the temperaturecontrolled room, she lay uncovered, and with their child growing inside her, Ludwik’s brows furrowed with concern. He reached out to lift her into bed

She woke at his touch

The gaunt woman’s pale face was etched with exhaustion. As she met his gaze, he saw a flicker of complex emotions, a softening from the icy distance of the past few days

Don’t move. You’re too weak,Whitney advised in a raspy voice 

Have you been crying?His voice was even more hoarse, his energy sapped 

Whitney’s eyes froze, then dropped to the snowy dawn breaking outside the window

There’s a crack in the ice,” she thought, hope mingling with the raw vulnerability of the past days.

Without hatred, perhaps they still had a future

Her voice quivered as she spoke. Take your medicine.” 

He was too weak even to lift his arm

Gently, Whitney placed the pill in his mouth and said, You had a fever. You need to rest, or even walking will be a problem. Don’t rush back to work… 

She hesitated momentarily before finally asking. What about the fivestar hotel project? The investors are bound to make a fuss. What’s your plan?” 

Ludwik lay still, his face flushed with fever. It’s manageable. I have other companies. Il reallocate funds to cover the breach of contract penalties.” 

He did not mention Imperial Gem Corporation, his other global enterprise, which was more famous than United Realty Corporation

He had no idea Whitney already knew who he was

She tucked him in, and he feebly reached for her hand, The real issue is, you want to leave me. Don’t, Whitney 

Put the ring on.” 

Head bowed, tears streaming, she instead grasped his burning hand

“I won’t leave you. Look.She sobbed softly, showing him the diamond ring on her finger

Ludwik’s eyes widened in surprise, then softened into a smile

Whitney mirrored his smile, intertwining her fingers with his. I’ll try again. To stay by your side. I love you,

I love you, Ludwik.” She said his real name in her mind

Content, he closed his eyes for a restful sleep

Get some sleep. When you wake up, we’ll face it together,she whispered, injecting him with a sedative

He needed rest

Chapter 157 

She rose once he was sound asleep, taking the contact book from her bag. It was time to confront her uncle to prove that Ludwik might not be the enemy

There was still time to stop this, she thought as she hurried away 


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