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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 25

At this moment, Yvonne was practically quivering with anticipation, eager to witness Whitney's public downfall as the scene of her brutalizing her own dogs unfolded before the eyes of all.

She had Preston summon a doctor to declare Whitney mentally unstable right then and there, ensuring she would be hauled off to the asylum and locked away for good.

She would never see the light of day again, never be able to turn the tables. That irksome little wench would be out of her hair for good!

In her mind's eye, Yvonne smirked with vicious satisfaction. As the servant shattered the lock and pushed open the door, she stepped into the dimly lit basement.

The stench of blood hit them like a wall, causing everyone to cover their noses. As the lights flicked on, the assembled ladies gasped at the sight of a girl sitting amid a bloody mess, her hands and face smeared with blood, even flecks on her teeth, like she’d gone mad ripping into raw flesh.


"What in the world? Who killed the dogs? Was it Whitney?"

"Whitney, darling!" Yvonne rushed to the girl's side, her face etched with feigned concern as she reached for the girl. "Sweetheart, even if you’re unwell and faced some ridicule at the party, they were your own dogs. How could you be so cruel to your own pets, you..."

Yvonne was laying out Whitney's supposed sickness and its triggers, ready to signal Preston to call for the doctor, when she took a proper look at the girl's face and let out a shrill scream, collapsing backward, her face ashen.

"What's wrong, Yvonne?"

"Yvonne, why did you call me?" Whitney sauntered in from the side, feigning surprise. "Oh no, it's my sister!"

Every gaze in the room turned to the girl in the pool of blood.

It was Monica! It was actually Monica!

Yvonne was stunned. She lifted her shocked gaze to Whitney, who was cool as a cucumber, then back down, refusing to believe her daughter had 'attacked the dogs.'

How could it be Monica? Her plan had been flawless. Where had she gone wrong?

Snapping back to reality, Yvonne glared at Whitney with pure loathing.

Meanwhile, Preston, his face a picture of disgust, quickly moved to disperse the onlookers.

But the crowd was too intrigued and refused to disperse.

In desperation, Yvonne covered Monica and covertly tried to wake her daughter.

Monica came to with a start, "Mom, why am I here? Ah!"

As she took in the sight of blood and the mutilated remains of what seemed to be a dog, Monica screamed.

Whitney watched the dramatic scene unfold before squatting down innocently, "Sis, what in the world happened to you? How could you kill my dogs?"

"I didn’t, I didn’t kill any dog," Monica stammered, her face pale and confused, turning to her mother for answers.

"Enough! Stop this nonsense. Everyone, there’s nothing to see here. This is just some frozen meat from the storage, and Monica just fainted because of her fragile body, that’s all. A simple misunderstanding!" Yvonne hastily explained with a forced smile, urging everyone to leave.

"Yvonne, is my sister sick? I saw the kitchen was brewing some tonic soup for her. Is it because she lost another baby recently, and that’s why she’s emotionally unstable and could do something so extreme as to harm dogs?" Whitney speculated calmly, her voice laced with concern.


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