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Love Beyond the Mask novel Chapter 339

\"He... he's the kid from the supermarket downstairs,\" Whitney explained guiltily, giving Sammy a warning look before handing him a bill, \"Alright, kiddo, you better head home now!\"

\"Uncle, you're so cool! Tall and strong, way cooler than my deadbeat dad,\" Sammy, looking up at Ludwik, chimed in.

Whitney felt a wave of panic wash over her.

\"Deadbeat dad?\" Ludwik frowned, puzzled. For some reason, he found himself not disliking the masked boy in front of him. There was a strange connection, perhaps because he and Danny were of similar age and height.

\"Yeah, my dad's the worst! Cheated on my mom while she was pregnant, sent her to a psychiatric ward, and then caused her to have a premature birth. Took off with me to escape it all. And guess what? He's still lost in his affair, refusing to see sense. Tell me, uncle, isn't he the worst?\"

Ludwik's brow furrowed deeper, sensing an odd parallel between the boy's story and his own life with Whitney. But he was determined not to be that kind of man.

He cleared his throat, \"A guy like that, you're better off without.\"

Whitney and Danny exchanged glances.

Sammy, unimpressed, added, \"Right, I also think Mom's better off without him. Unless he comes crawling back, begging for forgiveness, maybe after hitting rock bottom, like, ninety-nine times.\"

Ludwik responded with a noncommittal grunt, choosing not to comment further.

Whitney couldn't help but pull a face.

\"Wow, seeing you three together makes me so jealous. Ma'am, can I stay and play for a bit?\" Sammy asked cautiously.

Whitney felt like she was about to implode. 'Ma'am'? When did she get promoted?

Before she could respond, Ludwik, struck by the phrase 'a family of three,' gave Whitney and Danny a long, thoughtful look. A pang of something like hope or perhaps a fleeting dream hit him. \"Sure,\" he said cheerfully.

\"Danny, why don't you show our guest to the living room?\" Ludwik commanded, taking on the role of the man of the house.

Who do you think you are?

Whitney watched, a mix of amusement and despair, as the two boys ran off hand in hand to the living room.

\"Isn't your dinner ready?\" Ludwik turned, his noble posture imposing.

Whitney, at a mere five feet five, seemed almost diminutive in front of him. She rolled her eyes, ignoring him, and walked into the kitchen, soon returning with a hearty spread.

\"Danny, dinner's ready!\" she called out.

Ludwik, lured by the aroma, felt his stomach grumble. He took his seat with a dignified air.

\"Kid, why don't you take off your mask and join us for dinner?\" he inquired, looking at Sammy.

Whitney tensed...

But Sammy shook his head, \"No, uncle, I can't take it off.\"

\"Why not?\" Ludwik asked, intrigued.

\"I've got a contagious disease, afraid I might infect you!\" Sammy replied with a wry smile, even pretending to reach for his mask.

Whitney's face twitched in irritation, trying to calm her breathing. Such a little actor!

\"No, that's fine!\" Ludwik quickly objected, his face darkening. As someone with a strong penchant for cleanliness, he immediately distanced Danny further from Sammy, dropping the subject.

Danny couldn't help but snicker, exchanging glances with Sammy.

Too clever, Sammy. You're about to break Dad.

Sammy responded with a subtle lift of his eyebrows.

\"Alright, Danny, let's eat,\" Whitney admonished the two mischief-makers, sitting down to serve her son.

As for Sammy, he was already well-fed; she didn't need to worry about him.

\"What about my dinner?\" Ludwik finally noticed the lack of a place setting before him, his patience wearing thin.

\"Oh, Mr. Lippert, you haven't eaten?\" Whitney feigned surprise, \"Can't you fend for yourself?\"

She continued to pick out ribs for her son.

Ludwik's expression darkened further. He stared at the succulent ribs in Danny's bowl, the rich aroma wafting up. He had to admit, Whitney's cooking skills had indeed improved over the years.

But this blatant favoritism was just too much.

Annoyed, he stood and made his way to the kitchen to serve himself, only to find the rice cooker empty...


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